Soul Fire - Chapter 31

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The light already angled through the window slits when the Asillians stirred awake. Dathion woke in a rush, panic clearing the sleep from his mind.

"Davidor! He will not know where we have gone! What if there are still enemies at the other tavern?"

Malithas raised his hand, but allowed Dathion to finish speaking.

"Salidon and the men of the Hidden Eye have kept a careful vigil. Our cartographer did not return. The absence of his shoulder pack made this our expectation, not a surprise."

Dathion's blood stopped pounding in his ears, allowing him to hear a commotion downstairs. Many voices argued. He started to speak, but Malithas answered his question before it could be asked.

"The Merchant Police, Dathion. Salidon is informing them of the events of last night. Perhaps, their duties and pay only extend to those hours illuminated by the sun."

"The Hidden Eye?"

"Conveniently gone, not long before the Merchant Police arrived. Perhaps, they are one and the same - police by day, and protectors from the shadows by night. It may explain why they're never seen in the same place at the same time."

Malithas's brow furrowed at the absence of Dathion's laughter.

"Should we look for Davidor - find and search the libraries? The streets last night were unsafe."

"I'm sure our brave friend will return to protect us all, before we break bread for lunch. We will give him that long, but must delay no further. He knows our general location and men watch for his return. We will leave his horse, to enable him to catch us in need."

"That won't be necessary."

Dathion whipped around.


"If only I were so handsome, Dathion."

Dathion's face fell, but then he made an effort to smile. He hoped Salidon hadn't taken offence. He thought of offering an explanation, but decided that his foot was still perilously close to his mouth.

"It won't, Salidon?"

"No, Malithas. Davidor's horse has gone."

Malithas moved quickly to the door. Salidon caught his arm as he passed.

"There is no heat in the stall. Davidor is long gone, before dawn at least, probably not long after we fell asleep."

"I don't know what to think," Malithas snarled.

He balled his hand into a fist and slammed it down on the table closest to the door. The plates arranged on it jumped almost as high as the boys.

"Did he say anything to anyone?"

The boys shook their heads when Malithas fixed his eyes on each in turn. He paused for a long time on Dathion.

"Do you trust him?"

Dathion nodded immediately, before wondering if it were true. The way Malithas examined him made him feel like it was the wrong thing to do. Despite the intimidating stare, his answer had followed his heart.

"We shall see how well your faith is founded, future king ... and how easily it is given."

Dathion swallowed slowly, his heart racing. He feared the actions Malithas might take, if he changed his answer.

"Salidon, check our possessions. Make sure none are missing."

"I already have. The Hidden Eye helped me to lead the horses back here, and we loaded them with what we own. Our attackers from last night showed no interest in what we had left behind."

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