Back To Hogwarts

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Well I couldn't think of anything else to write so I thought why not go with something different? and so here it is!!! I hope u guys like it and maybe u could comment and vote and maybe fan??? It does get better promise and well, theirs romance gonna be in it and stuff!!

ALSO, PLEASEEEEEE give it a shot!! It will pick up and there is more to it then just a love story I promise, even if it doesn't look like there is now.


The Strange, The Dark and The Dangerous

Back To Hogwarts

A single brick wall, one that led straight to another world where no muggle could ever dream of, a single brick wall that led to the one place where the darkest magic was created, the one place that caused so much laughter and love...and pain and death.

"Ronald! Off you go, we don't have all day!" Mrs Weasley yelled at her youngest son as he stood staring blankly at the brick wall. His red hair combed back as freckled face twitched slightly at a sudden thought.

"Come on Harry!" He looked behind him and Harry jumped pulling away from Ginny, pushing his trolley next to Rons joined by Hermione. "Ready? One, Two-"

Ron cut off as the two next to him took a sudden run through the wall leaving a cursing Ron to cross by himself.

"Right then! Luna dear, you turn." Mrs Weasley turned to the girl behind her, her crystal blond hair cascaded down her back flowing over her silvery grey eyes as she looked up from the ground. She felt like a child again, a parent-less child.

The magical world had taken her parents twice, first her mother and then her father and now she was nothing more then a pitty case, something that she could never shake from her thoughts at night but she was greatful, greatful for the roof over her head and the food Mrs and Mr Weasley had given her. She knew it was hard for them after Fred's death, it had been hard for them all.

The young girl smiled and her pale hands took hold of the trolley she had and without a word she ran through the brick wall, only to come out to a flash of lights, the sound of loud chatter and small screams and a circle of people rushing towards the three students that had made the imposable, possible.

The Golden Trio.

Quickly, Luna moved not wanting to be hit by the next person through the wall and made her way down the platform towards the parked train. No one was standing in small groups, hugging their children and watching them board the train, no this time they were all begging for a picture or a handshake and couldn't care less for the world they were heading too.

"What a bunch of bloody idiots!" the sound of a strong British accent didn't bother Luna, she didn't even stop to give them a look she simply kept walking as if she hadn't heard anything, that was all she was doing lately.

Luna Lovegood was alone as far as she knew and ignoring life seemed the best way to go. She wasn't sure if she wanted to redo her 7th year at Hogwarts but after a little convincing from Hermione she agreed. What was the worst that could happen?

Sighing, Luna took her suitcases from the trolley and slowly made her way up into the train walking down the narrow carriages until finding an empty compartment and putting her cases away, closing the door and sitting down next to the window as she pulled her legs to her chest and stared out at the last flashing lights as the Golden Trio forced their way through the crowd with grins and walked towards the train.

The Strange, The Dark and The Dangerous (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now