A New Frenemy

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Again thanks 2 every1 who is voting and commenting and fanning!! It means a lot so heres the next chappy and I hope u enjoy as much!!!! COMMENT VOTE AND FAN would be great!!!


A New Frenemy

Luna had stood there for a while, just staring at the portrait door thinking over and over on reasons why Snape was there. After all she knew he had been a headmaster so shouldn't he be with the others? Everyone knew that's how it worked, so why was he?

She didn't want to think to much of it, maybe it was for the sake of Harry or the Golden Trio? So Luna did a Luna thing and went carefree ignoring the nagging in her brain as she was ready to leave and make her way to her bed, except she couldn't move, Snape's voice kept slithering around her brain and she couldn't think of anything else as if something wouldn't let her.

And that was the frist time Luna felt weak, pyhsical weak. Her legs shacking suddenly as she stumbled back, her bones ached and her heart raced in her chest.

Something was wrong or something was attacking her or both.

Luna wanted to scream from the pain but she couldn't, she could only gasp as her eyes rolled back in her head and she fell clean backwards hitting the ground as her body suddenly shook like mad, trembling as she gasped for air, her fingers outstretched as if she couldn't clutch anything, her legs still yet banging against the floor.

She felt so cold, as if something was wrapping its arms around her, something dead, something frozen and shivers errupted all over her body, slowly casccading down her like waves.

"Help me. . ." The voice was so faint, so weak just like her and it seemed as though it were flying around her, a girls voice, she knew that but it sounded crazy, crazy and dangerous. "Help me Luna," This time it was louder and teasing with a crooked mad laugh.

She'd heard it before, she knew it! But yet she couldn't remember who.

"Come on Luna! Find me . . . I've got your mother," Again the laugh, cruel and insane begging her to walk into a trap. "You know me . . . Longbottom knows me, Harry POTTER knows me, Draco Malfoy knows me and you know me my dear, so close, so lose."

Luna wanted to speak, she wanted to stop moving, she wanted to see anything but the bright white light and she wanted to feel anything but the aching in her bones and she wanted to hear anything but that cruel laugh erupting after every speech given.

Finally, it stopped. Luna lay limp on the floor, not moving, her eyes were normal again, her body still and her hands free as she looked around the room looking for any sign of what just happened, of what had spoken to her but she was alone and the room was silent. Luna jumped to her feet suddenly, tears running down her cheeks from fear and she sobbed running up the stairs slamming the door shut as she fell face flat on one of the purple and black stripped covered bed, between a red and gold covered bed.

She turned on her side and curlled up, her eyes closing tight shut as she cried into her pillow.

Luna shook with fear, nothing like that had ever happened to her before and she didn't know what to do.

Who was that? What had happened?

For the first night back, all Luna wanted was to be in her old common room and away from all this!

Slowly crying herself to sleep Luna's eyes closed but she dreamt something that kept her mind reeling with confusion.


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