I Like It Here

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I Like It Here

It reached almost eight at night and everyone sat in their own little space. Luna was still curled shaking as she dreamt of the pain, Neville sat with his knees to his chest as his eyes locked on her body silent tears running down his cheeks, Hermione sat with her legs crossed near a tree close to the cauldron, Harry sat not too far from her with his wand tight in his hand as he thought back to what Luna had done to save them so many times and Malfoy.

He sat only a few feet from Luna, his legs crossed as he stared out at the forest watching and alert.

Harry wanted disparately to know what else Luna could do and he wanted her to be able to control it without it draining her like it had. She could be useful. Very useful. Harry shook his head quickly, he shouldn't be thinking about that while she lay there still in pain and still dreaming on the pain.

Neville was silent, his tears just rolling down as he continued to watch her. He may be the reason she's alive but he's also the reason why she just suffered the worst pain in her life, why she still feels it and why she's dreaming of it. He forced it upon her all because he couldn't keep her safe from some stupid Ickleweed, but worse he should have known about it! He studied herbsl after all.

Hermione was just as silent, her eyes couldn't look at Luna however. She'd seen so much pain already she didn't think she could see it again. Instead she kept her eyes glued to the cauldron waiting for bright white dots to form on the surface to give signal that the second part should begin..yet she allowed a glance at Malfoy, her wand ready.

He had risen to his feet, the sound of shuffling from the trees alerting him. He had refused to look at Luna, he didn't want to see her in pain. Moving forwards he threw his hand back signalling the others to stay silent.

Harry stood, his wand out Hermione doing the same except for Neville who didn't move his gaze from Luna or his position on the floor.

They stood where they were their wands at the ready and Malfoy stepped further out searching for any sign of danger but instead, Ron and Pansy stumbled out from the forest, Pansy pushing Ron away from her.

"Ron!" Harry sighed dropping back to the floor, Hermione rolled her eyes and sat back down also.

"Weasley," Malfoy hissed before moving out of the way and leaning back against a tree, his wand near his side as Ron's eyes locked on Luna's body.

"What happened?"

"She was stung by Ickleweed. Neville...he had to..." Harry cut off not knowing if saying it would only make Neville feel worse but by the look in Ron's face, Harry was grateful that he got it.

"I know, I read about it. Are you ok mate?" He asked patting Neville's back but no response.

"Why aren't you at the common room?" Harry asked confused.

"Well everyone's in bed by now. I thought you could use some more help and security or something." Harry nodded and watched Pansy as she walked towards Malfoy standing by his side and wrapping her arms across her chest trying not to shiver from the cold.

"Thanks Parkinson." Harry mumbled gaining a surprised look from Pansy. "For setting it all up."

"No problem Potter." She replied with a small smile. From the dark circles under her eyes, she'd suffered from the nightmares too.

"Its time!" Hermione announced and watched as Harry gathered next to her. "You two keep a look out...um...we need to wake Luna...we need her for this part."

Malfoy had begun to make his way towards her to wake her but was beat as Neville rose and kneeled close to her side.

"I'll do it." He whispered and Malfoy nodded before walking over to Hermione's other side around the cauldron. Pansy and Ron positioned themselves with their wands at the ready in case any danger leaked their way again and Neville took a deep breath.

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