For One Night

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So guys, any ideas on who the laugh belonged too or the tower falling? Lol, well all shall be revealed soon!!!! Well, heres the next chappy and I hope u enjoy and Comment, vote and fan, everything u do 4 this story is amazing!!!

Here u go!!


 For One Night

Luna's tears were slowing and her body melted a little more into his embrace as he sighed against her hair. They both were calming down but people around them were still crying and staring at the falling building unaware of their embrace.

"You ok?" Malfoy whispered into her, she almost jumped back from his grasp due to the fact it sounded nothing like him. His voice was tired and soft, low and trembling but the smoothness and need in his words kept where she was as she nodded her head, still dug into his shoulder with her arms around his neck.

"And you?" She whispered back, her voice muffled by his shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He pulled away, his hands still placed lightly on her waist and her hands holding onto each of his shoulders lightly as he looked at Luna's face and her at his. Luna was trembling a little, her feet hopping a little not to feel the cold bricks of the courtyard. Most didn't bother to grab their shoes, they just ran out and Malfoy was one of them also. "Is it over?"

He had noticed Luna's eyes stray from his and look at the tower over his shoulder. But she didn't look back at him to answer, she stayed quiet as her hands fell from his shoulders and he let go of her waist turning around and taking a few steps back so that he was standing by her side looking up at the dust from the bricks fill the air around half the castle.

"What happened?" Luna asked, it was directed at Malfoy and even though she didn't look at him or him at her, Luna could tell the lie in his voice as he responded.

"I don't know." At that moment she wanted to press on and she was about to turn to face him until a pricing cry left a student's mouth. She ran forwards pushing past Luna and Malfoy as attempted to get into the school but was held back by Harry and Ginny.

"Let me go! My sister she's in there!" Again, the court burst into sudden cries of fear and the professors rushed inside without a second thought searching the halls for the missing girl leaving everyone else outside unattended.

"They'll find her." Harry whispered holding the girl against his chest as he looked towards Ginny with a fearful face.

"I thought this year was going to be different. I thought everything would stop but even after his death it's like, something still comes for us." Hermione whispered falling to the ground in Ron's arms, staring at the ground with tears blurring her vision.

"Not every things about them," She heard Malfoy mutter under his breathe and she was certain that he intended her not to hear it so she kept silent and looked back at the fallen tower. It looked so much as it did a year ago except this time it looked as if it were a warning, not a war.

She was trembling again, her arms wrapping around herself as the professors emerged once again with a limp girl in their arms. Her hands were lifeless by her side and her legs were the same. Her pale little face had a dribble of blood trickling down the side of her head and over her pale pink lips.

"Hagrid! Take this girl to-" Professor McGonagall didn't finish her sentence because Hagrid was already there taking the girl from his arms and rushing down towards his hut to grab his things ready to take the girl to where ever McGonagallwanted her to go. "Pansy dear, go with your sister."

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