Help From The Enemy

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Sorry 4 the wait and I'm just gonna get on with it before u actually kill me :(


Help From The Enemy

That moment in time, Luna would have helped Malfoy kill them three if it wasn't for the fact she was still feeling beyound betrayed.

"Are you mad!? I swear my fath-" Malfoy cut off, a sad expression suddenly whiping at his pale angry face. Luna would have looked at him if it weren't for the fact that she were still staring at Hermione with tear filled eyes.

"Oh please! Cant we just get on with this?!" Malfoy's eyes snapped to Pansy as she stood with her hands crossed over her chest and her back pressed against the wooden door.

"You traitor!"

"Me?! Your actually calling me the traitor? Your the one dating the freak enemy! Your the one ditching your pride and soul for a 'friend' of the enemy! I'm more your friend then that thing! I'm actually still trying to help you!"

"By helping the so called enemy to kiddnape me!"

"No you idiot! If you would just shut up and hear them out-"

"How could you?" Luna's weak voice cut through Pansys words and Harry looked her straight in the eyes, it was then she saw it. The voice, the voice she had heard and frightened her so much circling around in his mind.

His body was trembling slightly and his heart beat had picked up.

Harry noticing Luna could see everything, pulled his eyes from hers and straight to the ground clearing his throat and Luna smiled weakly glad she wasn't the only one but it had been ages since the voice had spoken to her and she was glad but something told her it was due to having the new friendship with Malfoy.

"We only kiddnaped you because you both wouldn't have come otherwise." Hermione whispered placing her wand down to her side as she stepped forwards, Ron's was still up pointed at Malfoy even after Harry had lowered his. "We won't you out of our dorm. Something's happening again. Harry's being attacked in his dreams and it's harming him more and more each day! And it only started the minute the Slytherins moved in."

Luna's heart fadded.

What Harry was going through was different. She was being attacked awake he was being attacked by his dreams but no matter how much her heart pounded against her chest telling her there was more to the story she ignored it.

"Your the most powerfullest Slytherin and Luna, you've got a gift, you don't need magic to see things, things others can't." Luna looked back at Harry never saying a word as he went on speaking filling her in on their plan. "We need Malfoy to preform the spells, you to see and help with the problem, Hermione for the brains, Me for whatever needs stopping, Ron for look out and Pansy for supplies."

At that moment, Harry had never sounded so vein.

"It's been spreading." Ron muttered. "Gryfindors and others are being attacked. Pansy one of them. We need to stop this."

Suddenly, Malfoy was on boared.

Luna was confused, Malfoy was talking to them as if he held nothing against them and they were already making plans. They had no idea where to start but it seemed as though Malfoy did.

"Granger, go to the libaray and look up Dark Spirts. Pansy go with her and get any suplies she asks. Potter, break into Snapes old office and Weasley go with him. I'll hit the ruins of the old dorm with Lovegood and see whatevers left behind." Without another word they were untied and the three left, Pansy following behind as Malfoy stood and looked down at a rather confused Luna.

How did that all happen?

"Whatever their talking about, it's spreading and it's dangerous." Luna nodded and stood.

There wasn't anything else she could do but follow, she didn't have the guts to say anything else and even though something inside her told her now was a good time to mention the voice in her mind, she didn't. She just followed behind Malfoy as they slowly and skillfully made their way to the old Slytherin dorm room.

Luna was surprised to find the remodling of the dorm was on the way, they were covered and walking through the walls, the sky covered but the bricks from inside the dorm were still on the ground, the green hanging from places and she had to grasp tightly to Malfoys shoulder to make sure she didn't trip on any of the bricks.

"Do you feel anything? Or see anything?" They were standing in the middle of the dorm, Luna shivering slightly as she hugged herself and looked around. "I feel like a prat asking that." Malfoy muttered rolling his eyes. "Well do you?"

"No...I don't really...I haven't ever tried to experiment with my abbilty." It was true, Luna knew she was speical that she possed powers others didn't but she never really tried to work them, they just happened.

Malfoy sighed.

"Then guess we'll just have to practise then." He began to leave making his way out crawling over tall bricks as Luna followed behind until she felt it.

Something hit her stomach and she flew backwards, her head hitting the hard ground as she groaned. Her whole body exploaded with pain and her back arched suddenly as her eyes rolled back in her head and her whole body went ice cold.

Malfoys yells were distant and her whole body had turned completely white with the cold.

'Kill them Luna! Kill them!"

Luna gasped, her hands scratching against the ground as her legs began to kick.

'Kill them or let me do it!' The voice fadded suddenly anger clear her words and Luna felt as if something were cutting through her chest trying to gain into her soul but Luna was suddenly jolted up right, the voice screaming with pain as a bolt of fire hit her straight in the chest fadding before almost going into Luna until she was laying against the groung, weak, cold, in tears and wrapped up in the arms of her blond prince.

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