Your Desire

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Your Desire

"Luna," Malfoy whispered still holding her as she breathed deeply crying and holding on for dear life to him. "Is there something you need to tell me?"

She forced herself to pull away, her eyes darker from the pain. She could still feel the burning in her chest and she knew Malfoy had helped her, that if he hadn't been there...something else may have happened to her.

"I-I hear the same voice as gets me when I'm awake...." She couldn't continue, that was it really but she just wanted to run from that dorm, she felt as if whatever was there was watching them listening to their every word and as she looked up at Malfoy she saw his eyes full of rage as he got to his feet, his arms wounding around her back helping her to her feet.

"We need to find Potter now!" He took her wrist no longer caring of the fear she felt as he rushed them from there and down to the libary. Luna had her nails in her mouth hiding the whimpers she wanted to let out and her hair blowing around covering her wet eyes.

"Malfoy what's going on?" She whimpered stopping and pulling her arm from Malfoys.

He turned annoyed.

"Not now! I'll tell you later!"

"No! What's happening?" She asked again, her voice breaking with the fear that suddenly hit her harder again. Malfoy's eyes softened moving towards her, his hands aching to reach out and touch her pale cheeks but he held back suddenly realsing that feeling wasn't normal and it most certainly wouldn't look friendly.

"Whatevers lurking around, I believe its a spirit...and it's very powerful. I don't know much yet, but I think...I think it's trying to relive?" He was unsure of how to put it but Luna was greatful for the truth yet she still knew there was something he couldn't say...something he was holding back and with no thought about it...he would tell it in time but right now, even she knew, things had gotten too dangerous to speak out loud.

"Through me?"

"I don't know." He moved closer towards her unaware of the sudden in take of breathe she took as he reached out and held her shoulders. Just that touch was making Luna's mind spin. "But your different from us, and that's why we need to focus on what's happening and how to explore your abilty."

She nodded and he smiled weakly as they entered the Libary rushing down the asiles searching for Hermione and Pansy.

"There," Luna pulled Malfoy back towards the front of the Libary where four sat in the corner around a small lamp, two heavy books drawn on the table. They looked up towards them, Harry noticing the tears on Luna's cheeks rose sensing the fear and looked at Malfoy.

"What happened?"

"We need to talk...but not here, somewhere else and just you....Granger and Weasley later." Harry nodded and Malfoy turned to face Luna. "Help Granger...we'll be back."

Luna wanted to protest but she was shoved down next to Hermione before she got the chance and soon found herself staring at an empty wall. She turned around to face the book in front of her, her eyes bluring again as she hugged herself before feeling Hermione sneak closer to her and wrap her arms around her.

"Luna...what happened?" She asked pulling a strand of hair away from her face.

"I-I don't really know," She admited before she spilled everything from the first night to what happened in the Slytherin common room.

"Serves Malfoy right if you ask me, he should have been crushed when-" Luna's head snapped up and she rose from the table. They had begun to put two and two together finally agreeing the tower colapsing was linked into the dream attacker and the thing that was attacking Luna. Ron cut off his eyes focusing on Luna as her fists clenched.

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