The Same Old

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Thanks 2 every1 whos voted in the first chappy!! It means a lot so here's the next chappy!! Also, thanks so much to everyone whos fanned, your awesome!!!! I made it a lot longer this time because I might not be able to upload as much as I wanted too like maybe twice or once a week so maybe this should keep u guys happy!!





 The Same Old

The train had finally come to a stop and Luna and Draco looked at each other for a second before standing ready to leave.

"Thank you," Luna whispered once she had her suitcase in hand and was standing by the compartment door ready to leave. Malfoy had just hauled his down and looked at her in confusion. "For sitting here the whole ride. You helped get my mind off things."

"What things?" he asked, his eyebrow rising a little as his eyes searched her's, but she simply smiled and opened the door leaving him standing alone staring as other student's rushed down the train to leave joining their other friends outside.

Malfoy muttered a few words under his breathe as he waited for an opportunity to leave the compartment which came after a few minutes and then just as quickly as he set a foot out from the compartment, he was shoved back in, thrown off balance and hitting the ground as the door slammed shut.

"So, your too good to sit with us now?" Malfoy sat up, rubbing the back of his head with his pale hand as his cold grey eyes narrowed on the group of slytherins in front of him. Goyle, Blaise and Pansy were standing in a line with arms crossed facing Malfoy.

"What the bloody hell do you think your doing Goyle!" Malfoy yelled, rage slipping from his words as he stood, his face scrunched up into that normal Malfoy glare. "Have you forgotten who rules over this place? Because last time I checked you follow me!"

"Well then, you better start acting like it cause right now, anyone can walk all over you!" Goyle spat back taking a step forwards but only to have Malfoy running forwards, grabbing him by his collar and slamming him up against the compartment door.

"You would do better next time to remember who your talking too," Malfoy was inches away, his eyes on fire as he whispered to his old friend.

"Draco-" Malfoy let Goyle go and spun around to face Pansy cutting her off as Goyle rearranged his robes whilst glaring at towards him.

"It's Malfoy to you!" He spat back before grabbing his things and walking out the compartment door but not without stopping and turning back to say a Draco Malfoy normal remark, "You can work to deserve to say my first name."


Luna slowly stepped off the train, her back had exploded into shivers the whole way out and she knew something was wrong but like always, she no longer really knew what. To be honest, her hands would tingle to before, to let her know when something was wrong and she could easily guess but since the war nothings be right.

Yet it bothered her, she'd never shivered so much!

Still, she ignored it and made her way down from the train sighing once the feeling stopped. And just at that point she felt these burning stare plunge through her and she looked to the side to see Neville Longbottom.

She smiled and gave a small wave and he returned the gesture but before he could make any more contact she lowered her eyes and began to follow behind the ground of 6th years as they made their way towards the carriages.

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