My Scars For Life, My Scars For All To See, My Scars Who I Was...

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My Scars For Life, My Scars For All To See, My Scars Who I Was...

 The day had passed rather fast, Harry's eyes were brighter everyone was happier and sleeping better. They had time to breathe without nightmares but of course, there was still plans to get rid of the spirit was but easier.

There wasn't that constant threat looming over them at night and of course with sleep, everyone could think better.

"What do you have next?" Neville asked, his hand wrapped around Luna's. The smile on her face was almost perfect as the sun bounced from her blond curly hair and into her silver eyes as she turned to face him, her hand was tingling from the perfect way her fingers felt in between his.


"I'll walk you." He leaned down and pecked her and Luna was still having trouble breathing after he kissed her but she was managing somehow she'd controlled the flutters in her chest.

The days had seemed perfect, they were barley ever apart and when they were together they were somehow always touching and her worries seemed far from sight. Everything was gentle and safe and Luna had missed that but the smiles from the students...they didn't seem right. Was it just because she was dating a hero? Before she was a nobody to them so why are they being nice to her suddenly?

It confused Luna because...well she was getting so used to other silent side.

Neville pulled Luna into a hug and watched as she walked into her next class before rushing to his. Lately his mind had been racing along with his heart, he'd been passing all his classes and his world just seemed perfect but the one thing he couldn't get off his mind was how close he was to losing her. What would have happened if that friendship between her and Malfoy had turned into more?

She was already friends with the ex death eater, that was enough danger...what would have happened if she had actually felt something for that thing?

Neville pushed the thoughts from his mind happy that she was safe with him.

Talking of Malfoy...they hadn't seen him since that day in the Great Hall when he rushed out.

Neville had no clue why he was smirking but he finally got to his class and sat near his friends feeling more like a man then any other time in his life.


Luna walked towards the front where Hermione waited for her.

"Hey," She cheerful perked in moving her bag so Luna could sit. "There's gonna be a meeting tonight so we can determine the next move. I think everyone's rested enough. And Neville certainly seems rested since what was it? Four days ago now?"

"Two weeks actually." Luna whispered smiling wider as she set her books out on the table and watched Hermione smile wider.

"Mr Malfoy!" Luna jumped at the sound of the deep dark voice. She hand't been expecting the voice to come out of no where but she really wasn't expecting the name Malfoy to be called out. Luna was pretty sure he wasn't in her class? But she searched the seats next to her hoping secretly to see him.

She hadn't forgotten about Malfoy, but she hand't seen him since he stormed from the Great Hall and well, somehow, her feelings had died to the point it was just a distant secret.

Although, that was soon a lie.

Malfoy walked towards the front, his hands tucked into his pockets and his head hung low with his hair a shaggy mess.

"Mr Malfoy will be joining our class today. Please take your seat at the back." Malfoy shrugged at the questioning looks from Harry and dragged his feet down and past Luna but as he passed, the rush of wind that blew her hair back caught his eye but he fought the urge to look at her and took his seat, his normal cold expression written on his face but his eyes...they told another story to whoever really bothered to look.

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