2: At The Office

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Kaleah A.K.A. Leah's POV...

"Ms. Dyson, I need to see you in my office before you head home for today." My boss Mr. Nico Hwang said to me after coming over to my cubicle and placing a few folders on top of it.

"What did you do to piss him off?" My best friend Anna Valentino leaned over and asked me as soon as he walked away from us.

"Nothing," I replied, while wondering if I'm about to lose my job. I needed this job so that I could continue to help mom pay for the huge-ass college tuition fees at Caldwell University that Kara is attending to get her Pediatric degree.

"You must have done something wrong for him to be requesting to see you in his office," Anna says with her right eye raised and a nervous, lopsided half-smile on her face.

"I'm telling you I haven't done anything, Anna."

"Maybe word got back to him about how you'd love to sip on his fine ass. You and I both knew that Jalissa Cartwright wasn't going to be able to keep her big, loud mouth quiet when she heard you say that in the employee bathroom the other day. Heck, I'm surprised she kept quiet about it for as long as she has." Anna says, reminding me of the conversation she and I were having in the women's bathroom when we thought that he was in there alone.

My heart began to pound in my chest just thinking about how much Alissa liked to go blabbing her big fucking mouth about a hot topic. Believe me, Mr. Hwang is one fine ass hot topic that I'd love to get my hands on. "Dammit, Kaleah, get your mind out of the gutter. You're probably about to lose the best-paying job you've ever had over these heated thoughts you're having about your boss." I scold myself while shaking my head wildly from side to side.

"You were just thinking about the things you'd like to do to him again, weren't you?" Anna asked with a look of amusement on her face.

"No, no, I wasn't."

"You can't lie to a professional liar, Leah!"

"How did you know that I was thinking about Nico, Anna?"

"Because whenever you're thinking about him, your eyes do this thing where they get this heated, glossy look in them. Another dead giveaway is that you start squeezing your legs together tightly like you're trying to put out a fire down there. The same way you're doing right now."

"I do this all the time whether I'm thinking about Nico or not," I replied, trying to control my actions in her presence.

"You're lying again. You don't even act this way around your fine ass boyfriend, Marcellus Buccellati." She says, reminding me of another situation that I'd rather not think about at the moment.

"Ugh, please don't mention his name again," I uttered while at the same time getting angry. Marcellus and I were currently on the outs with each other because I refused to stop working here at Hwang Entertainment Industry. He claimed that Anna was a bad influence on me and me working along beside her would cause me to pick up some of her so-called bad habits. Not only that, but he also believed that the world and what he wanted revolved around him. "I have too much work to do to be thinking about Marcellus today." I blurt out to no one in particular. I returned my attention to the pile of folders, Mr. Hwang laid on top of my desk a few hours ago.

I was so engrossed in my work that I hadn't noticed that it was almost time for me to get off from work. "Ms. Dyson, don't forget to stop by my office before you leave." Mr. Hwang called out from the entrance of his office with his hands stuck deep into his pants pocket.

"Call me as soon as you're done talking to him," Anna tells me while packing up her things.

"I will," I told her, then made my way to Mr. Hwang's office on trembling legs.

"Come in and close the door behind you, Ms. Dyson." I hear him call out through the cracked door just as I was about to knock on it. I walked slowly into the room on legs that felt like they were about to give away underneath me.

"Did I do something wrong, Mr. Dyson? I asked in an unstable voice that didn't sound anything like me.

"No, why would you ask that?" He asked, motioning for me to have a seat on the chair in front of his desk.

"Because you only call me into your office when I've done or said something to piss you off," I uttered in a low voice that I didn't think that he heard me.

"You haven't done anything wrong this time. I called you in here to ask you for a favor, Ms. Dyson."

"What is this favor I can do for you that you can't get someone else to do?" I asked, now very curious about what this favor is.

"It's not that I can't get someone else to do it, I just don't have time to ask someone else to help me out with it, ms. Dyson."

"What is it that you want me to do?" I asked while openly letting my eyes roam all over his body from head to toe.

"I was wondering if you would attend a charity event with me tonight at the Ritz Hotel on Fifth Avenue?"

"Huh?" I asked, not believing what I just heard. "I know that this rich, fine-ass man didn't ask me to go out to a public function with him." I thought to myself while squeezing my legs together tightly.

"I'll double your paycheck today if you do this favor for me..." He was saying when I heard a loud, squeaky voice come out of my mouth and said, "I'll do it. What time do you want to be ready and what do I need to wear?"

"By eight-thirty and wear something black. You can shop at whatever store you choose on the company card." He replied, holding out a black platinum card in front of me.

I looked around the room for a hidden camera. After not seeing one in the huge, open space, I asked, "Am I being tricked or tested here?"

"No, you're not being tricked, Ms. Dyson." He walked over to where I was standing and placed the card into the palm of my right hand. An intense, tingling sensation shot through my body from his touch. I looked up at him to see if he felt it, but I couldn't tell whether he did or not because he walked away from me before my eyes landed on his face. "Do you want me to pick you up from your house, or would you prefer to meet me back here by eight-fifteen?"

"I'll meet you back here, sir," I replied, backing up towards the office door at the same time refusing to look him in the eyes. If what Anna said about my eyes becoming glossy from thinking about Nico was true, I definitely didn't want him to see it. "Dammit, what have I just gotten myself into?" I mumbled as I stood at my desk, gathering up my belongings.

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