Chapter 7 - Cabin #2: The Cabin of the Most Notorious Goddess

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Our tour ended at the pavilion. Annabeth gave me my schedule before meeting up with Percy. I sat down with the Hermes kids and watched the scene around me. The pavilion is bustling with hyperactive kids. Especially the Hermes table. Some of the tables have only a few campers occupying them just like the Poseidon table wherein Percy is the only occupant. I also took notice of the Zeus and the Hades table where there were only one to two occupants in them. I remembered what Annabeth had said a while ago, that the children of the Big Three: Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades are a whole lot powerful than other demigods. Which, I will definitely not doubt at all. When I met Percy, he seemed to be the kind of guy that doesn't take things very seriously. But every time one would looked at his eyes, you could see raging waves hidden behind the calm ripples of the ocean. I haven't known the guy at the Hades table, but sure, he gives me the creeps. He looked like some kind of ghoul or something unlike his Roman sister. I believe in ghosts but absolutely I don't fancy to meet one. But if I have to choose, I guess I will just pick messing with a ghost than a child of Hades especially if it's that guy. The guy at the Zeus table, sure, he is handsome expecting from the son of the king of the gods but not my type. He has blonde hair and electric blue eyes. He was wearing glasses with frames of Imperial gold. He got an aura of authority around him but that doesn't seem to affect his friendliness with the other campers.

That lot made me remember something Grandma Lin said. Seek the Seven. They can help you. I tapped my fingers on the table. The Seven. Who are they? Are they the most powerful demigods here at camp? How can they help? What are they going to help me for? I sighed. I still have many things to settle. But first things first, I need to learn everything I need to learn in this camp. Learn everything needed to survive. Learn everything to be powerful. And then, I will seek the Seven, find Trisha and know who really am I. Admittedly, I'm not satisfied knowing that I'm a demigod. There's something missing. A huge missing piece of a jigsaw puzzle. And I know that arriving in this camp is just a small step to the answers to my questions.

After eating, we left a small portion of our breakfast and threw it to a bronze brazier. As I placed my food, I prayed that my godly mother would finally have time and recognize me as her own. I'm getting a bit distressed that she haven't still claimed me ever since I arrived at camp. Just be a mother to me even for a moment and recognize me as your own. I prayed. But of course, I can't afford to be emo all day. I needed to attend all my classes. If I want to save Trisha, I need to get stronger and smarter than I am now. The sooner, the better. And besides, attending camp classes might give me a hint who is my mother. Well, I hope Grandma Lin was right. For all I know, I might be a daughter of a god not a goddess. I left the dining pavilion and went to my first class.

I slumped down on the stairs of the porch of the Hermes cabin. I felt exhausted from all the activities I've just gone through. I discovered that I'm good at archery but not as good as the Apollo kids. I'm realized I'm fond of flying which was some kind of strange because I always had fear of heights when I was a child. I also learned that I understand dragon language. I sort of accidentally discovered it when I landed on Half-Blood hill while riding on a pegasus. We landed next to Peleus who looked up at me as smoke came out from his snout.

First time riding a pegasus, eh? You're not bad but not as good as that son of the sea god.

I gaped at him."You can talk?"

Peleus snorted. Yeah. Dragon language, yes. You demigods can't understand at any way possi-wait? You understood me?

I shrugged. "Yeah. I guess. It's that unusual?"

Peleus widened his eyes. No kidding, girl? You can really understand me?

The pegasus I'm riding whinnied impatiently as if saying Boy, does she have repeat her answer to your question? Are you deaf? Come on now. I wanna go back to the stables. I'm hungry.

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