Chapter 25 - Schist! Another Oath to Styx?

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This chapter is dedicated to @-Hera-MarriageRings. Thanks for your nonstop support! I was thinking of making this a bit of a cliffhanger but I was nah, I couldn't do that. Or maybe I can. *evil smile* Let's just see for Chapter 26.


~Annabeth Chase's POV~

"I-I'm really sorry, Annabeth b-but I can't tell you anything. I-I swore to the River Styx." Rachel stammered.

We're at the porch of the Big House. After the meeting about Christine's sudden disappearance, I pulled Rachel here. I noticed her fidgety disposition earlier that's why I decided to interrogate her.

I brought my face to my hand. Frustration started to build up inside me. This is the problem with making an oath to the River Styx. When you're at a pinch, you can't do or say anything covered in your oath unless you want to get severely punished. I inhaled, meeting her eyes once again. " and I both know that there two missing demigods. One who was kidnapped by an empousai. The other left camp just this day. Unlike us demigods, you don't get attacked by monsters often. I know you made can oath to the River Styx. I understand that. But what are you keeping? Is it the reason why she left? Just give a general idea. I don't think you will be breaking your oath that way."

Rachel looked down. Silence overpowered us.

I sighed. No use. I raised my arms in a surrendering gesture. "Alright. I guess that's it." I said. "Look Rachel. I'm sorry. I really do. If you can't, then you can't. I can't force you one way or another. But please, next time, don't make an oath, especially on things vital like this, okay?"

Silence. After a few seconds, I decided to leave.

"I'll go-"

"It's a prophecy..." She spoke, her voice barely a whisper.


"It's a prophecy." She repeated, a bit louder this time. The world seemed to tilt.

"What? A...a prophecy?"

She nodded.

A gasp escaped my lips. "But you haven't prophesied for months now! Isn't Apollo punished? How could you prophesy now?"

She rummaged her pocket and pulled out a golden string. "Christine gave me this. It was given to her by Artemis under Apollo's wish. It was also under Apollo that I swore to the River Styx. Thus gave me insight of the prophecy. But, it's useless now. It can only be used once."

I walked back and forth. My mind racing. A PROPHECY! Rachel had prophesied and made an oath never to tell what the prophecy is. If we know what's the prophecy then, we could find Christine! But how...

My eyes widened. Of course! That's it! I turned to Rachel. "Rachel, the Sibylline books!"


"If you can't tell us about the prophecy then maybe, maybe, Ella could!"

She smiled. "That's a great idea, Annabeth!"

I grinned. "Yes. Hoping that Ella didn't make an oath to the River Styx, we might know about the prophecy."

A cough. We both looked and saw Jason standing nearby. His blonde hair disheveled and he was breathing hard like he just gone from running. There's urgency in his voice."Sorry for the interruption, ladies, but I think whatever you're talking about needs to wait. Annabeth, emergency meeting at Cabin #3. All cabin head counselors were called immediately. There's an Iris message from Camp Jupiter. We got Frank and Hazel on the line."

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