Chapter 14 - I Spy...

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~Christine Galliardo's POV ~

I've been feeling uneasy since I left the stables. It felt like someone was watching me but whenever I looked around, there's no one I could suspect. I've lost count of how many times I looked behind me. I must have looked pretty jumpy today that I also forgotten how many times I was surprised by some noise or almost stabbed someone. Despite that, I tried to focus on my training though the uneasines affects my performance badly. I need to practice hard especially that we are against Clarisse's team in Capture the Flag.

"Focus Christine!" Hazel said as I barely blocked her spatha.

I already received about five shallow cuts in today's sword practice. One from Piper, three from Percy, and one from Hazel. Hazel jumped back and charged, scoring another cut. I gritted my teeth and scolded myself for my sluggishness. The uneasiness has made my mind slow and the wounds weren't helping. One more cut and my temper would explode. Hazel went in for an attack and I dodged her. I blocked her spatha and forcefully swiped, sending her spatha flying. I placed the tip of my sword to Hazel's neck, ending the practice duel and claiming victory. I retrieved Hazel's weapon and gave it back to her. The others ran up to us and Piper handed me water and a piece of ambrosia for my wounds. We all sat down on the arena's dusty floor and talked about our strategy for Capture the Flag.

"I received a very bad news." Annabeth said. "The Hunters of Artemis will be coming this late afternoon. Chiron said that they will be joining the other team."

Percy groaned. "You're kidding, right? This is bad. Very bad."

"What's so bad with fighting against the Hunters in Capture the Flag?" I asked.

"Let's just say they've won fifty-six times in a row. The goddess Artemis is with them. She had blessed them with improved abilities." Annabeth answered.

"And to put salt into the wound, we're going against Jason's sister." Percy added, nodding toward Jason's direction.

"Not the kind of reunion I've got in mind." Jason muttered.

Jason's sister. Thaila Grace. Piper once told me that about Jason's sister. She said Thalia is a Greek demigod despite being Jason's sister who was a Roman. She also told me that Thaila joined the Hunters of Artemis to escape a prophecy five years ago. Now, thinking about. I wonder what Thaila looked like. Piper said that other than being children of Zeus, the only thing that the two have in common were their eyes. Electric blue...similar to mine. Other than that, nothing else. That puts me suddenly on the edge. My head began to throb. I began feeling the fluttery sensation in my stomach every time I passed by Cabins #1 and #2. Addition to that, the uneasiness strengthens. I looked behind me and found no one but rows of stone seats rising up until it reached the arena ceiling. I pushed the uneasiness down and tried to focus to our discussion.

"-may looked impossible to beat them." Piper was saying. "But we have to try."

"Piper's right. We must think of a good strategy to win and not to mention, backup strategies in case the first one fails." Frank said.

"Alright then." Annabeth stood up. "Me, Frank, and Piper will meet up with Reyna and think of good strategies for Capture the Flag. Jason and Piper, find Leo and tell him to create something that will help us during the game. Maybe some traps, I guess. Percy, Christine, and Hazel. Will you do the honors of spying on the other team? Any information gathered could help a lot."

"Leave it to us, Annabeth." Hazel said.

"Don't forget to spy on the Hunters when they arrive. And Percy." Annabeth turned her attention to Percy who seemed more interested on the dusty ground than the discussion. "Don't mess up."

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