Chapter 17 - I'm Starting to Hate the Hunters of Artemis

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I ate little during breakfast the next day, completely anxious to leave and be alone. I left my camp activities as fast as I arrived, avoiding all possible encounters with my friends. I intended to stroll in the woods during my free times and vent up my frustration on killing monsters. I'm not the kind who always let others know my ups and downs. Sometimes, confessing it makes it only worse, that's why I just choose to be alone and release my frustrations with the ease that no one is worrying about me. Just like what I'm doing now.

A shower of monster dust bursted around me as I sliced a giant scorpion's tail off its body and jumped on its back and stabbed it. I hunched on my knees in the effort to steady my breathing and calm my 'ADHD' nerves. My wounded side flared in pain. I waited a bit for the pain to lessen. That's the 7th. I straightened and stretched a bit. I was about to find another monster to vent up another wave of frustration when I heard a faint whistle.

I instantly recognized the sound from last night and went off to find the source. I stopped a few meters away from a clearing and hid behind a tree. I peered. The Hunters of Artemis were gathered around the clearing, their silver outfits a bit too shiny under the sunlight. They seemed to be taking a rest from hunting here in the woods. Most of them were sitting on the grass, chatting and occasionally, polishing their knives, bows and arrows. Some were practicing with their bows, using the nearby trees as targets. Others, with their hunting knives. I looked at their group. Their lieutenant's not there. I rubbed the small scar on my arm which had healed last night (thank you ambrosia). At that instant, I remembered why I'm here in the first place and was about to turn around and walk off when the hairs on my neck rose up. I instantly knew it before a cold metal pressed against my skin and a voice, both commanding and amused, spoke up.

"Keep your sword if you don't want a knife stuck deep on the back of your neck."

I exhaled. I instantly recognized the voice. "Thalia Grace." I said without turning nor lowering my sword. I hid the annoyance in my voice. "Nice of you to greet others with a knife on the back of their neck."

The cold metal left my skin. I sheathed my sword and turned with my hands raised in a surrendering gestures. Our eyes met. Then, I looked at the knife on her hand. "I would appreciate it if you would keep that knife of yours." I said casually.

Thalia chuckled. "You know what. I like you. Straightforward and honest." She sheathed the knife back to her belt.

"Straightforward, yes. Honest, I'm not so sure."I said.

She grinned. "You're really are honest." Then, looked at her fellow Hunters. "What are you doing here? Spying for the next Capture the Flag?"

I shook my head. "Not really. I'm just training a bit (while venting up my frustration of losing to you through killing monsters, of course I didn't tell her that.) when I heard some noise and found your friends there." I gestured to her fellow Hunters, then jokingly added. "I went here to get stronger so that the next time we cross paths in another game, I would definitely kick your butt."

She smiled. "Well, let's hope we do run into each other in another game. But I'm already telling you, you won't win against me."

"I wouldn't be so sure if I were you." I said.

She shrugged."Are you going back now to the camp?"

"Nope. Honestly, I'm thinking of staying here for another hour or so."

"Nice." She smiled then, glanced over her fellow Hunters. "While you're here, come with me and I'll introduce you to my friends."

Before I could respond, she took my arm and pulled me to the clearing. As soon as the Hunters noticed us, Thalia greeted them and introduced me. We exchanged greetings and I was bombarded with a series of sarcastic threats and praises about last night. I both snapped threats and thanks back to them. We talked for a bit before one of them challenged me to a little fight, which I immediately accepted and won. Three more asked where I lost two. I sat down on a fallen trunk and one of them gave me a loaf of bread and a glass of nectar. I eased myself as the nectar slowly healed the small wounds I got earlier and lessened the pain from my wounded side. As I rested, Thalia walked to where I'm sitting and sat down beside me.

"You know what? You're really good. No camper can easily handle a Hunter in an one-on-one fight. Well...other than some demigods I know." Thalia said.

I shrugged. "Maybe I was just lucky." I teased.

Thalia made a face. "You call that lucky? You can't fool me. Luck is different from talent. You got talent."

"All demigods had talent in battling." I teased. "After all, all of the gods were sort of war freaks."

Thalia chuckled. "No disagreement here. But you've got a point. I guessed what makes you different from others was your experiences in battling."

"Maybe you're right." I moved the glass in small circles, watching the liquid swirl and slosh inside. "But it had been just two and half weeks since I arrived here."

"YOU JUST CAME HERE?" Thalia asked, completely surprised of what she heard. I was a bit taken aback about her unexpected surprise. To be honest, I had expected she already knew about that. But boy was I wrong.

" didn't know?"

"WE DIDN'T KNOW!" She gestured around. "No one told us. Not even Jason, Annabeth, Percy or that female Roman praetor."

"Well...that's quite of a surprise." I looked down. Apparently, the other Hunters had heard us and were staring at me. My face might looked pretty flushed right now. "I thought you would know."

"Who's your godly parent?" Thalia asked, suddenly.

"H-Huh? My godly parent?"

"Yeah. By the looks of it, you might be a daughter of Ares. You're pretty skilled at battling. Or maybe, an Athena kid. Though you don't show it, your eyes show the same serious and analyzing look just like the other Athena kids."

I had the urge to roll my eyes at that but then, I remembered what happened last night. The rush of information in my mind. I inwardly shook my head. As far I'm concerned, the children of Athena don't have the ability to understand dragons nor pegasi. Me being a Poseidon kid is out of the question, being unable to control water just like Percy and my mom being the godly one. Another was being a legacy and also a daughter of a goddess at the same time. Though I highly doubt that. I fingered at my golden charm bracelet, briefly looking at the dangling golden peacock and eagle and remembering Aunt Beryl. I wonder what she's doing today. Did she already know that the three grandmas had sent me to a camp? Despite the thoughts passing through my mind, I listened to Thalia.

"Or you might be my half-sibling. A daughter of Zeus. If we based on your appearance."

My fingers stopped. My eyes transfixed on the golden eagle. A daughter of Zeus. The idea sounded ridiculous but something nagged at me at the back of my mind. The same electric blue eyes as Jason's and Thalia's. The love for flying. I shook my head at the idea.

"That's impossible." I said. My voice sounded foreign. I smiled, masking the surprise and hesitation in my voice. "Apparently, I can't fly nor summon lightning. Plus, appearance can't accurately point one to his/her origin."

Thalia thought for a moment. "'ve got a point. But I guess there's no problem with that. After all, you're already claimed."

I looked at the empty glass. "No...My godly parent hasn't claimed me yet."

"That's ridiculous! A newcomer must be claimed within no more than a day since they arrived at camp. The gods promised to the River Styx."

"But sadly, my godly parent did not." I smiled bitterly and looked away. I watched in silence as the Hunters packed their things and prepared for another hunt. I stood up and spoke without looking at Thalia. "I guess I should get going now. You're friends seemed to be eager to go hunting again. Thanks for everything." Before I could take a step, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked behind me.

"I will help you. After staying here in Camp Half-Blood, I will have a word with Lady Artemis. I'm sure she won't mind helping you."

"Thank you." I smiled.

Thalia nodded then, a mischievous smile drew from her lips. "But in return, you'll join us in hunting this afternoon." I followed her eyes to her fellow Hunters. They waved, grinning. Uh oh.

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