Chapter 18 - I Almost Got Killed Twice By Two Amazon Goddesses

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~Apollo's POV~

I looked down to the woods of Camp Half-Blood as I drive in the sky with my awesome red Maserati car (a.k.a The Sun Chariot). I watched as Christine finished off the giant snake sporting some silver arrows on its body. Man, my sister's one great beautiful warrior (just like me, but of course, I'm better). But it was quite disappointing that she lose to that acrophobic Grace girl. Not that I expected her to win, being turned into a demigod and all. I can only think that it was pretty hard for her to be gutted out of her real identity and not being claimed by her godly parent as a demigod. Speaking of her godly parent, I remembered my encounter with Her Majesty just after my conversation with Christine yesterday.

I was walking through the majestic hallways of Olympus when I crossed paths with Her Majesty.


I stopped walking and gave a bow."Yes, my Queen?" I already knew what she was going to say even before she say it. After all, she have been watching over her daughter ever since the day they were separated.

"What are you plotting?" She asked, her voice hard and laced with cold. "You cannot lie to me, Apollo. Tell me what you want from my daughter."

"I don't need anything from Ariacalyssa." I said. I met her glaring brown eyes. "What I need is a starting step to secure the better fate of the world."

Hera summoned her staff and pointed it to me. "You know very well how dangerous the situation she's in. You can't just waltzed in and destroy what protection I had for her. Unless you want to get punished once again." She withdrew her staff and glared at me. "Stay away from my daughter, Apollo. Because if you don't, I wouldn't think twice of throwing you to Chaos." She held her gaze for a moment before walking off.

"No protection can protect her from what was bound to happen, Your Majesty. The paths where her destiny will branch out have already been laid out. For now, there are only two paths, which will be decided by you: Claim your daughter or let her be what she's now. Your decision will not just affect your daughter but also the world. You know which one is the right thing to do. But if you insist on this, then, I will not stop until you choose what is right. Even if the consequence was being thrown to Chaos." I disappeared in a flash of light before a beam of light from Hera's staff reaches me.

I looked at my sister who was watching Christine ran with her Hunters. After the meeting earlier, Artemis dragged me out of the throne room and forced me to tell her what I was up to, after she noticed me missing yesterday afternoon and caught a glimpse of my argument with Hera. I have no choice but to confess (Artemis is scary when angry) and now here she was, sitting shotgun in my car.

"Is it really alright to let her be open like this? She could be in more danger than she would be in Olympus."

"Come on now, lil' sis. She's not that weak. Look at her, she could totally fend off for herself."

"Again, Apollo, we're twins. Stop calling me little sister. And to be honest, appearing to her as a god seemed to convey a message that says, 'I am Apollo. Be honored that a god as awesome as I am appeared before you. Now let's talk about your destiny, lowly mortal'. I mean, how self-centered you can be, brother? "

"But it's true!" I protested. "Being me awesome and all, of course."

Artemis rolled her eyes and ran a finger on the length of her silver bow. "That's what always put you into trouble. You're easily flattered. You think shallowly about your actions."

"If that's the case, then, helping me means that you also think shallowly of your actions?" I asked, grinning.

Artemis shook her head. "Absolutely not." She looked at me, her silver eyes flashed with irritation. "I can't understand how you could fool around in a situation like this."

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