Chapter 21 - The Power of Donuts

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~Christine Galliardo's POV~

I groaned in pain as I shifted on my temporary bunk bed in my new cabin. The wounds from the hellhound attack four days ago were still hurting but the bleeding had lessened. I blinked as I waited for my eyes to adjust to the dim light of the cabin. I sat up and studied my surroundings, still not used to my new cabin. To be honest, it really looked like more of a temple than a cabin. It's way too formal and elegant than the other cabins.

But what do you expect? After all, it's a cabin made to honor the queen of the gods, my mother, Queen Hera. I stood up and walked in front of my mother's statue. The fire in the fire pit shrank, adjusting for me not to feel hot. I stared at her statue, asking the same questions in my mind ever since I was claimed, Why claim me just now? Why me? Why you? Why in all of the goddesses, you? My mother? I shook my head, feeling stupid looking at a statue while asking questions in my mind. I fixed my bed and prepared myself for the day.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw Argus standing by one of the cabin's marble column. The hundred-blue eyed blond surfer-like guy has been waiting outside for me every morning ever since the news about me, being a daughter of Hera, spread all over camp. I tried to tell him to stop, partly because it would affect his job as the camp security and partly, because I'm not used having someone following me around like a loyal pet. But whenever I told him to stop, he would just incline his head and stared at me. I guess that's his way of telling me, he won't. I closed the door behind me and greeted him. He gave a small bow which made my cheeks hot. I turned around and walked briskly, not wanting Argus to see my expression.

As always, the camp was a flurry of activities, especially now that the Romans will return to Camp Jupiter tomorrow. To be honest, I was glad that the camp was busy, simply because no one would pay too much unwanted attention to me. I walked through the crowd, Argus close behind. I ducked as an arrow sailed overhead as the Apollo kids compete in archery with some Hunters. I quickly moved aside as Mrs. O'Leary came barreling through the crowd with Riptide in her mouth. Percy was running after her, calling out to return his sword. Screams and cussings erupted from the crowd. Some almost got hauled with the sudden racket. I chuckled as I watched the idiotic master and his sword-wielding pet ran toward the fields. So cute! Though Percy looked stupid getting his sword stolen by his own dog. I turned and continued walking as the campers returned to what they were doing before.

I went to the pavilion to grab a quick bite before proceeding to the beach. The sun was high but the wind was cool. I sat under the shade of a nearby tree as Argus settled down on the grass not far away. Though I felt uneasy having someone following me around, I was quite amazed on Argus' loyalty to my mother even to the point of appointing himself to be my bodyguard (though I didn't ask for one in the first place). Though I don't want to admit it, I really need some company especially now that the other campers seemed to avoid me ever since the news spread. I can't blame Thalia for telling Chiron what happened. She must have been in shock as I am back then. I laid my back on the tree trunk and closed my eyes, remembering what happened four days ago.

I remembered lying on the ground and meeting the monster's eyes. I heard Thalia shouting but her voice seemed far away. An unrecognizable background noise. The world began to spin, colors melting into each other until there's only white. A white of nothingness. A voice, warm as the fire in the fireplace during winter and sweet as honey, spoke up. A familiar voice.

"My dearest Christine. Finally, the time has come. I am your mother, Queen Hera of Olympus. Though you may not see me, my voice shall be your guide. You're my daughter. You're powerful. Command the creatures of the earth, the sky, and the sea and they shall respond to you with all obedience. Use your power to succeed, to protect yourself and others. We may not see each other for the next days to come but be at peace that I'm at your side. I'll continue watching over you as I hold on the future I chose for my family, for you."

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