Chapter 10 - When Best Friends Fight...

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~Piper McLean's POV~

I watched Christine and Clarisse glared coldly at each other before walking away from each other. The tension keep growing between the two that I could swear affected the temperature drastically. Despite the sun shining high above the clear blue sky, the temperature in the arena seemed to be of that a snow storm. The whole arena was quiet. Everyone is breathing in the same rhythm, waiting for the fight to start. Connor and Travis hesitantly walked between them. I could swear I could see the drops of sweat trickling down their faces.

"The fight between Clarisse La Rue and Christine Galliardo is about to be commenced!" Connor finally announced.

"This will be a good fight." Annabeth said.

"Yeah. I wished Jason and Leo were here. They will miss a lot." Percy said.

"Fighters ready!" Travis shouted.

Christine adjusted her hold on her sword. Its sharp, bronze blade glinted against the afternoon sun. Clarisse drew her sword. A Celestial Bronze sword formerly owned by one of her deceased siblings. Both focused at each other with a strong intent which I wished I was wrong, to kill. All held their breaths, waiting for the signal.

Connor and Travis looked at each other and finally with a perfect timing they seemed to practice for years shouted the long awaited...


Connor and Travis ran as fast as they could to the sides. Within a split second, the two bronze swords clashed, sending of sparks like a metal being welded. The two girls jumped back and ran toward each another again. Each trying to outpower each another. Clarisse went out for Christine's side but Christine blocked it with the flat of her sword. Christine slashed but Clarisse dodge it. The crowd went wild. Each and everyone cheering for their chosen side.

"Go Clarisse!"

"Go Christine!"

"Knock the Hades out of her!"

"Send her crying back to her mommy!"


"Spill the blood! Spill the blood!"

The fight went on. Blows and blocks were exchanged. Neither of them planned to let their guard down. Both moved in a speed almost similar to lightning. No sign of weariness can be found in any spot of their bodies. Every move were executed in right timings. The thrill spread like wildfire within the crowd. I watched them completely submerged in awe. This is better than any duel I've seen. Even my friends seemed to agree. They were completely fixated in the battle.

"Who do you think will win?" Hazel asked.

"Clarisse." Frank said.

"What? Because she's your half-sister in the Greek side? " Percy asked.

"No." Frank said. "Because she's one of the best demigods here in Camp Half-Blood. And she's against a new arrival."

"Aren't you updated?" Annabeth asked. "She killed three drakons one night-"

"Clarisse killed a drakon back then, didn't she? And that drakon can only be killed by an Ares kid."

"Yeah, but Christine's better." Annabeth glared at Frank. "She killed three drakons singlehandedly in one night WITHOUT some god's blessing."

Frank raised his hands. "Right. I surrender. But my bet's still on Clarisse."

"Mine's on Christine. How about you Percy?"

"Clarisse." Percy answered.

"What?" Annabeth glared at Percy.

"Hey!" Percy raised his hands as if to protect himself. "I'm just being honest. I knew Clarisse longer than Christine that's why."

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