Chapter 8-The Dove, the Eagle and the Fire: The Unlikely Trio

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~Piper McLean's POV~

I saw the new girl went in Cabin #2. I called Jason out from his cabin who doesn't seemed to be enthusiastic about going in the cabin. I couldn't blame him though, we had gone a lot of near-death situations because of the goddess. But nevertheless, I got intrigued about the new girl. She had just arrived to camp but already proven herself to be a tough demigod by slaying three drakons in one night. And now, she went in the cabin of the queen of the gods, which was one of the least visited and the most empty cabin in the camp. I got curious why she went in there that's why I asked (more of charmspeak) Jason to come with me and of course, to know her. We walked toward the neighboring cabin.

"Why do we have to go inside when we can just wait for her to come out?" Jason grumbled.

I looked at him. "Come on now, Sparky. Don't be like that. Don't you want to meet her? I'm sure you are as curious as I am." I said.

"Yeah, yeah. But I really don't fancy going in the cabin of the goddess who almost got both camps slaughter each another, you know."

I smiled. "Sure, I don't fancy either but that was months ago. Everything was settled down between the two camps. And plus, Gaea's gone now. There's nothing to worry about now."

Jason shrugged. "Sure. But if I were you, I won't try to provoke the Fates."

I patted his head. "You worry too much, Sparky. If I had provoked the Fates...well, let's just hope we're not the ones in the limelight again."

"Right. Let's hope so. I don't want to go to the House of Hades nor disguise as a smelly old man again." Jason said.

I laughed. I grabbed his arm and pulled him as we ran toward the cabin. We stopped at the doorway and peered inside. The girl was standing in front of the fire pit at the feet of the statue of the goddess. I nudged Jason and approached the girl.


The girl turned around. I almost jumped. It was the first time I came to study the girl's appearance closely. She's taller than me and has a slim and athletic body frame. She has a long liquorice black hair that looked like waves cascading down her shoulders. Her face was beautiful and regal but slightly intimidating which I wished I was just hallucinating seemed to resemble the queen of the gods. Her eyes, which shocked me even more, we're electric blue similar to Jason's and his sister, Thalia. I glanced at Jason, who seemed to be winded too. Looking at it, one could easily swear that this girl could undoubtedly pass as a daughter of Zeus. Now, I know why Annabeth seemed to be anxious giving a tour to this girl earlier in the morning. I looked at the girl and forced a smile.

"Sorry. Did we disturbed you?" I asked.

The girl smiled, dispersing the intimidating aura around her. Strangely, I instantly eased down. "Not really. I was about to leave when you called out."

"Ah, I see. Oh, yeah. My name is Piper. This is Jason."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Christine."

We shook hands.

"What were you doing here anyway, Christine? Not always does a camper visits this cabin." I asked.

"Well, to be honest, I was asking Queen Hera to help me out. She's the goddess of marriage and motherhood, right? So, I hoped she will at least encourage my mother to claim me soon." She said.

"Your mother?" Jason asked.

She shrugged. "Yeah. At least, that's what the people who took care of me said."

"Ah, we see."

"Yo! Piper! Jason! Watcha doing in here?"

I quickly recognized the scrawny figure by the door. Leo walked towards us with Calypso at his side.

"Hey, Leo. Hi, Calypso. Looks like the lovebirds were it again, huh?" Jason smirked. I giggled and the two blushed red as tomatoes.

"Hey, Hey! Don't be like that, man. I'm not messing with your love-dovey so don't mess with ours. It's not a crime going all sweet when you're a couple, right Sunshine?"

"Valdez. You're dead." Calypso glared. Jason and I laughed.

"Come on, Sunshine. Don't be like that. We're going know, just a moment ago be-"


Leo frantically raised his hands. "Alright. Alright. I'm gonna zip my mouth. But really-"

"I'm really gonna kill you. Here and now."

"Hey! Hey! We got a companion. It's the new girl, huh?" Leo pushed between Jason and I in an obvious attempt to save his dear life. "Hello! I'm Leo. The hottest and the most handsome guy that ever existed in-HOLY HEPHAESTUS! WHAT IS THE QUEEN OF THE GODS DOING IN HERE?"

Jason tapped Leo's shoulder. "Calm down, man. She's isn't Juno er...Hera. She just well...sort of looked like her."


Jason covered his ears. "Dude, do you have to shout? I mean, we're just inches apart! eardrums."

"Are you guys serious? She does really looked like her. Or in worst case scenario, she might be her."

"Leo." I said.

"Oh no! Don't tell me Potty Face is back and I need to kill myself again with another explosion? "

"Leo." Calypso called.

"No way! That won't happen again. You need to kill me first before I do that again. But don't do that without promising Calypso to follow me to the Underworld, alright?"

"LEO!" The three of us shouted.

I placed my hands on his shoulder to assure him."Look, Leo. There's nothing to panic about. I mean-come on! Gaea's already gone for months now. This girl...her name's by the way is Christine wasn't Hera. She just looked like her, alright? I'm pretty sure Her Majesty's not going to try to resort into something very risky again."

"Pipes. Again. Don't provoke the Fates." Jason said.

"Right. Sorry. What I mean is nothing major will happen again. The rift between the two camps was already fixed. The problem between the Olympians and the minor gods was in progress of settlement. And the issue having you dead again, that's something we won't let happen again. Ever. And plus, I don't think Calypso will be happy being a spirit so calm down, alright? Calm down."

"Yeah...yeah. I'm calm. The calmest of the calm." Leo nodded.

"Good." I smiled.

Jason whistled. "Pipes. I really can't still get over how powerful your charmspeak had become."

I smirked. "Yeah...and it's pretty useful keeping you guys from getting wild and crazy."

"That's reminds me of one occasion..."

"Yeah. You and Percy almost killing each another. I still remember it vividly." I placed one hand on his arm.

Jason nodded. "If it weren't because of you...well..."

"Right. You two would already be decaying this time around."

"Sheesh. The two of you...go to some place private." Leo said.

"Says you." Jason said.

"Ummm...if all of you will not mind." Christine interrupted. "I will go now and have my sword practice."

"Oh! So sorry! We didn't mean to keep you here for long. " I apologized.

She gave a small smile. "No. No. It's alright. I just...I don't want to rude and all."

"It's not your fault. If it will be okay for you, I will come with you to your sword practice. I can handle swords. Maybe...I could teach you something and maybe you can teach me too, you know."

"I don't mind." She said.

"Really? Yay!" I turned to the others. "Guys, see you later at dinner."

"Bye, Pipes! Bye, Christine!"

I grabbed hold of Christine's hand. "Let's go."

We ran out and away from the cabin, leaving the others.

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