Chapter 4 - Schools Have Entrance Exams. Why Not Camps?

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~Christine Galliardo's POV~

The pine tree was just a few more steps ahead. The moon was quite full and bright tonight that I could see my path clear enough. I was already covered in sweat and the hot sticky air didn't do me any favor but I didn't botherto stop. I fixed my hair into a ponytail as I ran up the hill which at least, cooled me up even for a bit. I could already see the base of the tree and the thing that was curled around it. As I went closer, I noticed that it wasn't a thing but a being, a creature

Wait. Is that a dragon? 

Sure enough, it was long and huge. Very long. Pretty huge. Its copper scales glinted against the moonlight and smoke issued out from its big snout. Its claws bigger than my arm and sharpened like knives. Its tail longer than a school bus. Its huge wings were tucked at the side of its body. I slowed down as I approached the pine tree. The dragon was asleep but I didn't want to take the risk of waking it up and getting eaten or burned alive. Instead, I stopped for a moment to catch my breath and scanned my surroundings. On one of the tree's branches, a golden wool of some sort hung just above the dragon's head. A few feet away from me stood the magnificent statue. Ahead, I saw a flicker of light. I dared to take a few steps toward the tree and my mouth dropped open. A gasp of amazement escaped my mouth.

Just below the hill is a huge camp. The camp was separated with a crook that extends from a lake. At the right side of the camp stood a sky blue house trimmed with white. Next to it was a volleyball court. An amphitheater and a climbing wall stood further. At the left, strawberry fields stretched out at the front of the house. Near it was a stable, an armory, and an arena. Further, cabin in different styles formed a huge omega symbol around a big campfire. Not far from it was a dining pavilion with no walls nor roof. 

From my spot, a forest at the west and a beach at the north lay near the camp. The camp was simple but undoubtedly astonishing. My heart seemed to leap out of my chest by only the sight of it. Excitement flooded my chest. My feet urged me to run toward it but my senses held me back. My instincts began screaming DANGER! and for a moment, I stood there completely frustrated. What? Why? Then, a terrifying roar brought me back to reality.

I turned just in time to see a disgusting pool of poison spit flying toward me. My initial response, DUCK!. I threw myself at the side and landed a few feet near the dragon. My eyes flew at the side and my heart stopped in horror. Not far away from the pine tree were three dragon-like creatures. 

But these ones were completely different from the one beside me. They were much longer and bigger than a dragon. They were wingless. Their scales glinted in a menacing green and purple shade. Their mouth were foamy with poison. Their horrible reptilian eyes fixed on me with pure hate. They gave a deafening roar and lunged toward me. I hastily stood up and ran west down the hill. I heard the snapping of trees and the roaring behind me. I ran right, separating one of them from the chase. I looked back and managed to duck my head down as a pool of poison traveled toward me. I began yelling angrily in my mind. What the hell? Seriously? This is the test you want me to take? This is not a damn test! This is madness!

I ducked toward a tree as another deadly, amazing cannon of poison flew toward me. Fortunately, I lost the other one, leaving one at my heels. I ducked again toward another tree and stumbled into some bushes. I hid silently, crouching as low as I can. I don't know if the creatures could sense my presence or something but I wouldn't risk it .The ground shook beneath me. A roar rang nearby. The unbearable stench of poison wafted in the air. My heart hammered against my chest and my hand crawled toward the hilt of my sword. I looked at it. 

Yeah, right. As if I knew how to use a sword. 

Nevertheless, I drew my sword and crawled silently behind the bushes. Another roar rang in my ears, nearer this time. I tried to crawl faster this time but curse my clumsiness! My hand landed on a dry twig and it broke into half with a loud CRUNCH! I rolled aside as a ball of poison flew toward me. I looked beside me and watched as the bushes melted into a disgusting green goo. My stomach turned upside down but I managed to stand up and avoid the monster's tail. 

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