Chapter 22 - Why Can I See the Moon During the Day? Oh, Wait. It's Artemis.

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Manhattan is busy as always. Blackjack veered past around tall buildings and landed in an empty alley. I told him to meet me here in a while after I go buy the donuts I promised. Blackjack flew away and I walked out to a busy street. I wore a thin jacket to hide my camp t-shirt and left my sword with Blackjack, though I kept a Celestial Bronze knife inside my jacket for defense in case, a monster attacked. The nearest donut shop was just walking distance from the alley and few blocks away from my house. I entered the shop and bought three dozens of donuts just like what Blackjack requested. As I waited at the counter, I spotted my English teacher, Mr. Paul Blofis (When I first heard his surname, I though it was blowfish until he corrected us) with a beautiful woman with long brown hair with streaks of gray and blue sparkling eyes. I paid for the donuts and walked past Mr. Blofis. He noticed me and called out. I turned and approached them, greeting in the process. The woman greeted me and introduced herself as Mr. Blofis' wife, Sally Jackson. Percy's mother.

"-an intelligent student." Mr. Blofis is saying. "Not only in academics but also in sports. She also has the skill of a leader. I heard you aced the Science test, Christine. Well done!"

"Thank you, Mr. Blofis." I said. "Though it's quite embarrassing to talk about it."

He laughed. "Quite a meek girl you are. But won't you mind to look after my son at school? His name is Percy and he attends Goode High School too. He's at the same grade as you are, though, you've got different classroom assignments. His girlfriend helps him with his school work though they attend different schools. I think it would be a lot better to have someone nearby tutoring him if his girlfriend's busy."

"I don't mind, Mr. Blofis." I said. "To be honest, I think it was a great idea. I usually have a lot of free time in my hands."

"Thank you, Christine." Mrs. Jackson said. "You're such a kind girl."

"Percy's always at camp during summer. You might just be able to meet him in the first day of school. I'll introduce him to you by then."

"I don't think that would be necessary, Mr. Blofis." I replied.

"Oh? Is that so?" He looked at me, confused. "Anyway, thank you again Christine and sorry again for disturbing you even though you're in a hurry."

I waved it off. "Not at all, Mr. Blofis. I'm just here to buy donuts for a friend. Beisdes, I would like to also thank you for the conversation. It helped me a lot especially now that I got a lot going in my head. Anyway, gotta get going. Thanks you again Mr. Blofis and Mrs. Jackson. Good bye!"

I walked toward the door and grasped the handle. Before I pushed the glass door open, I called out to them. "Oh yeah, I also went to the same camp as Percy's. He's a great fighter and leader at camp." I smiled and pushed open the door, leaving them staring at me at disbelief.

I walked in a busy street, past high-rise buildings and apartments. I pushed my way through crowds of people rushing from opposite directions. I walked past the alley where Blackjack and I were going to meet up and turned to a different alley a few blocks away. I made my way just like I always do when I went home late from school and emerged to another street, slightly calmer than the first one.

Across the street was a two-story house with blue walls and a yellow roof, my house or should I say, my former home. I crossed the street and jumped over the low wooden fence painted in white. The old wooden gate had stuck again even though how many times we put grease on the hinges. I walked on the rocky path and glanced at the lawn, now sporting thick yet glossy green grass. Patches of different kinds of flowers decorated the perimeter of the fence, their fragrances blooming in the air. I walked in the porch and pulled out the duplicate key I still have with me.

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