Chapter 23 - My First Ever Killer Prophecy

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~Rachel Elizabeth Dare's POV~

I was watching Percy and Jason crossed swords, together with Piper and Annabeth, when Christine ran up to me. She told me she needed to talk to me and pulled me away with no more than a glance to Piper and Annabeth. We stopped by Cabin #2. She pushed the door open and ushered me inside. I hesitated. I asked her what she really need to talk with me. She looked at me, completely frustrated, before answering that it is very important, especially to the Oracle. A jolt went up my spine when she said the word Oracle. She looked at me for a second before entering. I thought of escaping but my curiosity and responsibility got the best of me. I followed her inside, closing the door behind me.

The cabin was unusually lit and warm. Despite that, a cold shiver ran up my spine. I had enough bad experiences in this cabin for a lifetime. I stared up at the statue, silently going through my book of choice words.

"I spoke with Apollo five days ago."

My head snapped into her direction. "You spoke with Apollo?" I asked, surprised. "What did he tell you?" I asked, eagerly. The god hadn't sent any prophecy since the last Great Prophecy. Hearing that the god had a conversation with Christine made me quite excited to know more. Especially now, that Chiron had sent a search party to find a certain Aphrodite kid that was kidnapped by an empousai.

Christine sat down on her bunk bed, seemingly tired. "Nothing worth telling." She said. "Other than that, I also spoke with Artemis."

"What did they tell you?" I shifted. I could feel something is coming up. Two gods and one demigod. Top to that, the twin gods, Apollo and Artemis. Something's really up. I watched the fire flicker. The room suddenly dim and cold as if anticipating our conversation.

"Apollo wants you to prophesy. He's risking Zeus' wrath for this one."

I inhaled.

"After that, they will flee to back to their birthplace in order to escape the king of the gods."

"Something big is coming up, isn't? With the way you say things?"

She nodded. She stood up and faced me. "Rachel, this is very important. I want you to promise, that the prophecy you will speak will just between the two of us and Apollo."

I stared at her. "W-What? Why? I can't do that! The camp must know! Especially Chiron! I can't possibly hide something im-"

"Rachel!" She held my arm. Her voice urgent and her eyes desperate. "Please, Rachel. Please. I beg you. This prophecy is very important to me. This may be the only way I could save someone important to me. So please, Rachel. I'm begging you."

I bit my lip. "This something not to be taken lightly, you know."

She nodded.

"If...If it is what Apollo wishes for then, I will. I swear to the River Styx to keep the prophecy between the two of us and Apollo." I shouldn't have agreed to keep it. But if the prophecy concerns the welfare of the world, I couldn't just stand by and wait until it's too late.

Christine smiled, visibly relieved. "Thank you, Rachel."

I shrugged. "I can't leave anyone or the world in danger, can't I?"

She smiled and out from her pocket, she pulled out a golden string. "This," She showed it to me, "is a string from Apollo's lyre. It is imbued with a piece of the god's power. Through this, you will be able to prophesy but it can only be used once." She handed me the string. The string lies on my hand like a powerful yet fragile treasure.

"Alright. Let's do this." I inhaled, closed my eyes, and called for the Spirit of the Oracle. Another heartbeat and everything became a sudden blur.


~Christine Galliardo's POV~

I settled the unconscious Rachel on my bed. My head ached. The prophecy still echoes in my mind, the same way I heard it, the time it was told.

Child of sixteen years wait,Bearer of an ancient's hate.Death in an illusion's wake,The fall on the hands of a dove's sake.

What does that even mean? I simply couldn't make sense out of it nor could I find something useful for the journey ahead. I sank down beside the bed, head leaning on the side. I need to calm down first and prepare for my quest. Only when I'm on the way should I try to decipher the prophecy. I closed my eyes, waiting for Rachel to wake up.

The sky was still dark when I woke up. I slipped in a red shirt, a gray hoodie with inside pockets filled with some Celestial knifes and some bronze spheres made by Leo that were not used in the Capture the Flag, faded jeans with another small batch of nasty spheres, drachmas and some mortal money, and my galaxy converse. I slung my backpack full of important supplies: a big thermos of nectar, three Zip locks of ambrosia bars, food, water, etc. My sword belt securely attached around my waist. I opened the door quietly and took a peek, making sure no one's around, before closing the door and dashing sneakily toward the hill. As I stood away beside Thalia's tree and Peleus, I watched the dozing Camp Half-Blood below me. I touched my wrist then, remembered that I don't have my charm bracelet. I bit my lip. I turned and walked toward the road. I threw a drachma which into the ground, calling "Stêthi, Ô hárma diabolês!" ("Stop, Chariot of Damnation!"). The smoky cab of the Gray sisters appeared and before I could change my mind, I slipped into the back of the cab and (if my dream last night isn't wrong) went for the DOA Recording Studios, Los Angeles, California.

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