Chapter 28 - Tartarus: The Grumpy Old Troll (Or God)

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My mind and body had separate reactions as Tartarus floated above the hole. My mind was screaming to run, to get away as soon as possible but my body was frozen in place, like its time was chained down into this absolute moment. I couldn't speak, my throat suddenly dry. My chest started to close up, making it hard to breath. I stood there in shock, encased in fear I couldn't comprehend. I have experienced what Percy had experienced when they encountered Tartarus. A great clawing fear, tearing at your limbs, making you feel hopeless.

This is the end.

There is no hope.

Everything you value will be lost for eternity.

My mouth tasted like metal. I must have bitten my tongue. My head was blurry. The static seemed far away now.

"We finally meet, my young Christine." He hovered toward my direction. I couldn't move. "It took quite some time to have you come here. I've been waiting for you."

"Waiting...for me...?" I croaked. My voice doesn't sound my own.

"Yes. The last piece I need to victory. You, my dear Christine, will be my tool to the fall of the gods."


"Your destiny. The absolute key to the destruction of the gods. The door to a new age. Isn't what you want deep inside? After all what that wretched Zeus have done to you in the past?"

"W-What are you talking about?"

He chuckled. "Of course. You don't remember. But I will let you remember. I will awaken that anger, that hate, that had been sleeping within you." He reached out a taloned purple hand. I want to move but I couldn't. Before he could touch me, a strong force pushed him back. I unfreeze. Everything came into clarity. The static grew louder. Not far by the other edge of the fissure was Hades, his arm outstretched before him.

"Half-Bloods!" He called out. "Run! I shall push him back to give you time! Hurry!"

With a quick jerk, I dashed, pulling Trisha with me. Tartarus roared in anger. The ground shook violently. We struggled to keep running. I dared to look behind me. Not far away, Hades was forcing Tartarus away from us. His face of dark whirlpool swirled furiously as he tried to pursue us. Cracks snaked toward us, scarring the terrain. The shaking intensified. Trisha tumbled over. I grabbed her hand, pulling her up. All around us, the surroundings was out of focus. My head is spinning and aching. The static grew fainter as we scrambled away from the hole. A shout of pain made me stop and turn.

"Lord Hades!" I screamed. Tartarus had Hades by his neck. His minions tried to free him but Tartarus swatted them away like some kind of children's toy. One word formed from his lips. Run.

"Christine! Let's go!" Trisha tugged at me but I didn't budge. I should run. I should escape. Away from this nightmare. Instead, I pushed Trisha, forcing her away from an emerging fissure.

"CHRISTINE!" She shrieked.

"Trisha! Listen to me!" She jerked up, standing carefully. "Do you trust me?"

"What in the world are you saying? Now's not the time, Christine!"

"Just answer me! Do you trust me?"

She bit her lip and nodded hesitantly.

"Okay. Listen. Continue running until you arrived by the shore. There's a man on a boat. Give him this." I threw her a pouch of drachmas which she barely caught. "He will bring you to the surface. If the information I got wasn't wrong, there will be a group of teenagers wearing purple and orange t-shirts on their way here. Join them and find Clarisse. Tell her," I smiled half-heartedly. "That if she didn't take good care of you, I will skin her myself if I come back."

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