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"My name is Rimuru Noyaki, what's up," he asked looking at you as he had his hands in his pockets walking down the U.A hallways.

"I'm not old, still in my teens," he said as he looked towards you. He is a similar age to the rest of the 1A students being fifteen at the start of the show.

"I'm a male, obviously," he said as he looked at you. He is a male and was born ad a male.

"I am a quirk enhanced human though a human non the less," he said as he looked at you while walking down the hall soon reaching 1A classroom.

"I'm straight, though I'm not one for romance," he said as he looked at you while sitting down in his seat.

Rimuru is a interesting person given his past and the physically trauma from his quirk. He is rather blank in her personally unless he is feeling intense emotion.

"I'm decently tall being six foot three inches tall," he said lookingbat you meaning he was even taller than Shoji.

His life was normal until he got his quirk. In fact he didn't even know he had a quirk until two years after it had come in after his father and mother killed him. They were crazy from the start but after learning their son was quirkless it drove them over the edge. His father shot Rimuru killing him for the first time before burying him under their house right before they moved away. Though four hours after dying he came back to life and tried to get out of the ground and was able to claw his away out. From there he lived alone on the streets knowing what his parents had done to him. Living in the slums he would scavenge for food though in winter he wouldn't always find it and by summer would have died of starvation multiple times until he'd find food. By the time he was fifteen he had died hundreds of times from villain attack accidents, starvation, freezing to death, and quite a bit more. Now he is a student a U.A high wanting to be a hero.

𝕄𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕒𝕝 𝔻𝕚𝕤𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕤
He doesn't have many though one major one he has is the fact after years of dying hundreds of times his emotions dulled to the point not much bothers him, even the fact his parents killed him and hide his body.


This quirk is kinda what it sounds like. He can regenerate extra fast and come back to life from any injury. Each time he comes back to life he gets a little stronger. However there are some drawbacks to this quirk which we'll get to that later. At the start of the show he is able to punch through steel and break stone walls quite easily. He also has a sort of adaptability in that his body gets stronger to eventually be able to prevent what killed him before from doing so again however he'd have to die hundreds of times from one thing to build a resistance to it. In fact he often tried to find something that can kill him. When he first died it took four hours for him to come back to life though since he has died so much he only takes about five seconds for him to come back now.

His second quirk is one he can't use on himself though he can use for others. It's basically a healing quirk on steroids able to heal the organs and even limbs of others no matter how old these injuries might be.

ℚ𝕦𝕚𝕣𝕜 𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕨𝕓𝕒𝕔𝕜𝕤

While he is able to come back to life it doesn't mean he can't feel pain. In fact it's quite the opposite, any injury that he gets makes him feel pain a hundred times more than a normal person would. It's to the point that even getting small cuts like paper cuts feel more like a massive open gash in a small area. Getting bones broken would honestly be enough to kill him from shock if not from his quirk.

When he heals others he uses his own life essence to do so. If he healed a broken arm his arm would feel the same pain the individual felt when they had broken his arm. However thanks to the weakness of his other quirk this pain is multiplied one hundred fold.



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