Hes being... flirtier

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I wake up to giggling and whispering next to the bed. I opened my eyes and looked above me. I saw Harry, Hermione, the twins and Ginny standing over me giggling and whispering. I felt weight on my body so I looked down and saw Ron sleeping on me with his head between my boobs. I smiled at him and looked at everyone else "bloody hell guys!" I whisper yelled at them. They all looked at me with smirks on there faces.

I felt Ron move so I looked down at him and he slowly looked up at me opening his eyes. He smiled which caused me to smile. "Good morning n/n" he said in a deep, raspy, morning voice. Which is so dreamy. I looked back at everyone staring at us and he looked at them and groaned. He dug his face into my chest and mumbled against it, "go awayyyyyy!" I giggled and they all started walking out of the room still staring at us until they were finally fully out of the room, closing the door behind them. When Ron heard the door shut he looked back up at me.

He smiled at me and sat up so he was off of me so I sat up to. He stretched and yawned. His hair was so messy, it was so cute. "You look beautiful when you first wake up" he told me with a big smile. I smiled, he has never been THIS flirty before. I wonder why he's being like this NOW. I'm not complaining. "You don't look to bad yourself" he smiled and ran a hand through his hair. I got up, "I'm gonna go get ready for the day" I told him. "Okay, I'll see you later" he said, but when I turned around to walk out, I heard in whistle at me so I turned back around. "Nice ass" he said to me with a smirk, he winked at me and I pulled my shorts down a little more. "And uh, your boobs are a comfortable pillow, mind if I use them a little more often?" he winked again and I blushed so I ran out of the room giggling. I went into Ginnys room to pick out clothes from my bag.

I grabbed an outfit and went into her bathroom to change into it.

Once I was in it, I brushed my hair and teeth, did a little bit of mascara and highlighter, and left Ginnys room

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Once I was in it, I brushed my hair and teeth, did a little bit of mascara and highlighter, and left Ginnys room. I went downstairs to see everyone sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast, including Ron. Ron looked at me and smiled immediately. I sat in the empty seat that was in between Ron and Fred.

Fred nudged me on the side and whispered in my ear "how was last night with Ronnie?" I rolled eyes and looked at him with a 'are you kidding me' kind of look. He was looking at me smirking. Ron put his hand on my thigh like he did last night at dinner and rubbed his thumb on it. Fred must've saw and nudged me again. I looked at him and he glanced at Ron's hand on my thigh then back at my face and I just smiled and looked down at the floor.

Once everyone was done eating, everyone started to get up to put there plates in the sink. I was about to get up and put mine in the sink as well when Ron suddenly grabbed mine and put it in the sink for me along with his. "Thank you Ronnie" I said to him, "no problem" he said with a smile. "Um y/n?" Ron said in a nervous voice. "Yeah?" I asked him looking into his eyes, which I think made him more nervous. "Wanna take a walk to a lake a little later?" He asked me, looking back into my eyes. I smiled, "of course" he smiled wide, "okay!! I'll tell you when we're leaving. I have to um do something first." after he said that, he bolted upstairs into his room. I smiled and sat on the couch with the girls in the living room.

"Hey girls" I said to them and they looked at me, "are you dating my brother yet?" Ginny asked me. "No!" I said, "well you should" Ginny said making me and Hermione giggle. "We're going on a walk later" I told them, "like a date...?" Hermione asked me. "No... maybe? I don't know" I said with a sigh. "I think it issss!" Ginny said jumping up and down on the couch with excitement. She gasped, "OMG! If you guys get married we'll be sister-in-laws!" Ginny said, I laughed, "oh Jesus" I said.

Ron came downstairs in a new outfit with his hands in his pockets.

"Are you ready?" He asked me

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"Are you ready?" He asked me. The girls looked at me with smirks. I got up and walked outside with Ron.

In the next part, you will see what happens on the walk... thanks for reading 💗

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