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It's been 5 days sense me and Ron's date and Harry walking in on us.. it's been very awkward between the three of us ever sense. Harry can't look at me and Ron the same way anymore. I'm just hoping it will blow past him in a little while.

Right now, me and Ron are in his room cuddling and watching a movie. Ron has his arm wrapped around my shoulders while my head is on his chest. I felt his lips on the top of my head for a second which caused a smile to spread on my face. I looked up at him and admired how good he always looks with no effort at all. I guess I was staring for a little to long because a smirk spread across his face and he looked down at me. "Do you need something?" He remarked at me. I shook my head no and looked back at the movie.

He put two fingers under my chin and made me look at him again. We stared into each other's eyes for a moment before his lips were planted onto mine. "Ron!" We heard Molly yell on the bottom of the stairs. We both got up and went to the stairs, "yes mum?" Ron asked. "Come say hi to our guest please" Molly told him. We both looked equally as confused but he walked down the stairs with me following because I was curious on who was here. We both went to the door and as soon as I saw who was standing in the doorway, I stopped in my tracks. The person I saw is the person I least expected to see.

"WON WON!" Lavender screamed and jumped onto him. WHY THE FUCK IS LAVENDER BROWN IN MY BOYFRIENDS HOUSE?! IN HIS ARMS?! My hands turned into fists and Ron grabbed her arms and pulled them off himself. "Lavender? What are you doing here? And why do you have luggage?" Ron asked her. She had the biggest smile on her face, "I'm staying her for a few days! I got into contact with your mum because my parents are leaving and I needed some place to stay while they're gone." Lavender explained. Her eyes traveled over to me and her smile dropped real quick.

"What is SHE doing here?!" Lavender whined. "I've been here all summer, and the rest of the summer" I explained crossing my arms and walking closer to her and Ron. Hermione and Ginny walked up to us, "what's going on?" Ginny asked, then they both saw lavender in the door way. "What the fuck is she doing here?" Ginny asked her mom. "She's going to be staying here for a few days" Molly explained to her. "Where will she be sleeping?!" Ginny asked. "She will be sharing your room. Now he nice to our guest Ginevra!" Molly demanded.

Ginny then looked at me and I think she saw how furious I looked. She put her hand on my shoulder as Hermione rubbed my back. "Now let her in!" Molly demanded. We all stepped aside while rolling our eyes for her to come in. "Ron dear, take her luggage to Ginnys room, will you?" Molly asked Ron. He grabbed her luggage, "come on I guess" Ron mumbled. As he was walking past me he planted a kiss on my cheek and went upstairs with lavender following him. And she did not look happy with the kiss he just gave me.

Molly left to her room and I turned to the girls. "What the fuck am I supposed to do?! There's a girl that obsessed with my boyfriend that's going to be staying in the same house as him! And I know she will do anything in her power to get him back and away from me!" I panicked. "Ron would never leave you for her!! They are totally done and he is in love with you now." Ginny assured me. I nodded my head and Molly came back over to us. "I want you guys to hang out with lavender tonight after dinner to make her feel welcome! Just the girls! No boys! Am I understood?" Molly said. We agreed and she smiled and grabbed my cheek gently before walking away.

At dinner, Lavender got the only seat next to Ron before I could get to it and she wouldn't move so I had to sit on the opposite side of him. But she mysteriously left during dinner to go to the bathroom or something so I switched our plates and sat in her seat next to Ron. This made Ron and the girls laugh but the other boys just seemed uncomfortable with another girl staying here that they barely know. Once she got back to the table she had the most furious face I had ever seen on her before. She just huffed and sat in my old seat.

It's now after dinner and all the girls are in Ginnys room because Molly is forcing us to be. We were all talking and listening to music. "I'll be back, I'm gonna go to the bathroom" lavender told us, getting up and going to the door. "You can use mine" Ginny suggested pointing to her bathroom. "No it's okay, all my stuff is in the other bathroom already" lavender said before rushing out of the room. That was very suspicious but me and the other girls went back to talking. After a few minutes, she wasn't back yet, which made me suspicious.

"I'll be back." I said with an angry tone. They both just nodded not asking questions as I got up and left the room. I opened the door to Ron's room and walked in, "Ron I-" I looked over and saw lavender on Ron's lap, MAKING OUT WITH HIM! I slammed the door shut and she jumped off his lap. They both just stared at me with blank expressions.

Thank you for reading this part!! This is getting juicy!! Hope you enjoyed and stay tuned to see what happens next!💗
Words: 1016

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