Making it offical

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I went into Ginnys room to find Ginny and Hermione on Ginnys bed talking. They looked at me and smirked "what happened?!" Ginny asked. I sat down next to them and smiled wide. "Guess who's not single anymore?!" I squealed and they screamed. "Wait really?!" Hermione asked, so I showed them the locket and the picture inside. They screamed again. I told them all about the date. The locket, the kissing, the lake, and what happened in the water...

They screamed again after hearing everything. "Oh and on the note, I need a spell to make sure I don't get pregnant" I told Hermione. "Will do!" Hermione told me and grabbed her wand. She said some weird words that rhymed and pointed her wand at my stomach. I heard a poof sound come out of her wand after and I smiled at her. "Thank you!" I told her. We heard Molly yell to us from down the stairs. "Kids! Come eat!" We all ran downstairs and into the kitchen. Ron sat down before me so I sat in the empty seat next to him

"Hey beautiful" he whispers to me. I smiled and blushed, "hey Ronald" I whispered back. Molly set all of the food in the middle of the table and we all started putting food on our plates. Molly went into her room while we ate. "So uh what's going on with you two aye?" Fred asked pointing at me and Ron, "well if you just know, we're dating" Ron said shoveling food into his mouth. All of the boys mouths dropped. I picked up my locket so it's off my neck a little bit and opened it to show them the picture. The boys leaned over and looked at it. "Awwww" they all said sitting back in there chairs.

Ron smiled proudly and interlocked his fingers with mine. We all continued eating and talking. When we were all done, we all went to put our plates in the sink. But before I could, Ron grabbed mine along with his and put them in the sink. I smiled and stood up, "thank you" I said to him. "You're welcome" he said slapping my ass. I giggled and he smiled proudly at the fact that he can do that whenever he pleases now.

Ron kissed my forehead then walked past me into the living room. I followed him and went to sit next to him when he pulled me onto his lap gently. I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder while he had his arms around my waist. I closed my eyes and everyone else came and sat with us in the living room. Fred and George sat on the floor, Ginny sat on the chair, Harry sat on one side of me and Ron and Hermione sat on the other. "Wanna watch a movie?" Ginny asked, I opened my eyes and turned around on Ron's lap so I was facing everyone else with my back towards Ron.

"Sure" Harry said back to Ginny. "What should we watch?" Ginny asked again scrolling through movies. "The notebook?" Hermione suggested. The boys groaned and Ginny turned on the notebook. Me and the girls smiled and watched it. The boys didn't want to, but they did anyway. Half way through the movie I turned back around so I was facing Ron again and laid my head on his shoulder. His grip tightened around my waist and I closed my eyes. He kissed my forehead as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

I started to slowly wake up hearing whispering around me. I stayed in the same position keeping my eyes closed to hear what they were saying. "Ron just bloody wake her up" I heard Fred whisper. "Nooooo she looks to cute" I heard Ron whisper back to him, "then carry her upstairs?" Hermione suggested whispering, "but what if I wake her?" Ron whispered and rubbed my back softly. "Oh well!" Harry whisper yelled. I heard shuffling then a bunch of footsteps going up the stairs so I'm assuming everyone left to there rooms.

Ron slowly wrapped my legs around his waist and got up holding me by my thighs. I wrapped my arms around his neck with a tight hold and he carried me upstairs. I thought he would bring me into Ginnys room and set me on my bean bag but I felt him lay me down into a soft bed. I opened my eyes slowly and sat up looking at him "mmm" I groaned rubbing my eyes. "I'm sorry princess, I didn't mean to wake you" he whispered to me. I nodded and unbuttoned my jeans and sliding them off because they were uncomfortable then taking off my shirt.

I looked over at Ron and he was smiling at me. He grabbed one of his hoodies and softly slid it onto my body. I laid back down snuggling myself into his hoodie. He covered me slowly with a blanket and I felt his body on my back and his arm wrap around my waist and lay his chin on my shoulder. "Good night y/n... I love you" he whispered in my ear "I love you too..." I whispered back then quickly falling back asleep.

How did my life become this perfect?!...

Thank you for reading this chapter. I know I know, it's really cringe but I wanted to make Ron a sweetheart and the best boyfriend you could imagine!! Thank you❤️

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