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"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING RON?!" I screamed at him. "He obviously wants me now. I know how to treat him" lavender said to me with a huge grin on her face. I screamed bloody murder as I started to run towards her. She screamed as well as I came closer to her. My hands wrapped around her neck. I couldn't control myself. "STOP" I heard Ron yell. "YOU BITCH" I screamed as my grip tightened on her throat. She gasped and tried to breath but my grip was tightening.

Everyone ran into the room and before I knew it I was being torn off her by the twins. George picked me up and put me over his shoulder. "LET ME GO" I screamed. "What happened?" George said gently lowering me to the ground. "I WALKED IN ON RON MAKING OUT WITH HER" I screamed. Everyone gasped and stared at them. I burst out into tears and Ginny pulled me into a big, tight hug. "Gin take her to your room while George and I talk to these two." Fred explained. Ginny and Hermione walked me into Ginnys room while I'm crying into my hands.

Once we got in there they just rubbed my back as we listened to Fred and George yell at Ron and lavender. Harry then came into Ginnys room, "hey.." he said. I looked up from my hands and looked at him. He pouted seeing me cry and came over and sat on the floor in front of the bed I was sitting on. "Ron's an asshole.." he explained. Ginny rubbed my back as Hermione had her arm around my shoulders. "He doesn't realize how lucky he was to have you n/n" he said. I got off the bed and sat next to him on the floor. He stared at me and I just put my head on his shoulder and sobbed.

After a few hours, I finally had stopped crying. Harry, Ginny and Hermione stayed with me the entire time trying to make me laugh and comforting me. Fred and George came in after a little bit as well and they actually made me laugh or at least smile a few times.

After Molly had yelled to us about dinner they all rushed downstairs with me slowly walking behind them. I dreaded going to dinner and seeing there faces. I don't know if I'm gonna be able to control my anger and not hurt Lavender.

I walked into the kitchen and immediately saw lavender and Ron sitting together with lavender having a death tight grip on his arm. I just walked over to an empty seat in the corner of the table and stared at my feet. I didn't want food. I couldn't eat. After a few minutes I decided to just get up and leave the table. No one said anything to me. I walked upstairs into Ron's room and grabbed all my stuff. As I was doing this, tears were streaming down my face again. I placed the hoodies I had of his on his bed along with the locket he got me when he asked me out.

I looked over at his nightstand and saw the chain I got him just laying there. I then grabbed the rest of my stuff and walked out of the room. I went into Ginnys and threw my stuff onto the floor. I plopped onto her bed and dug a pillow in my face. I then heard a knock at the door so I looked up sniffling with puffy, red eyes. I saw Ginny, Hermione, Harry and the twins standing in the door way with pity smiles. "What..?" I asked. "Wanna go to the pool?" Fred asked me.

"Is Ron gonna be there?" I asked sitting up and looking at them. "Yes but.." Ginny started to tell me, "then no!" I yelled throwing the pillow back on my face. "Boys meet us at the pool" I heard Hermione whisper. Then the door clicked shut so I looked back up. "Wear the sexiest bikini you have. Make him regret everything!" Ginny told me sitting next to me. "Please n/n" Hermione begged. I gave in and nodded my head, "fine." They both smiled and grabbed there bikinis and left the room to change.

I looked through my clothes while rubbing my eyes and face. I pulled out a bikini and shrugged, "I guess" I said to myself. I got undressed and pulled it on.

I went downstairs still wiping my eyes

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I went downstairs still wiping my eyes. I saw that everyone must already be at the pool so I went outside. I climbed onto the deck and everyone looked over at me. The twins and Harry's jaws dropped as they saw me. I smiled and looked over at Ron and Lavender. I saw Lavender smacking Ron's arm and trying to cover his eyes with her hand.

I got in the water and the girls came over to me. "Girl!" Ginny said. "Lavender is so pissed" Hermione told me. I smiled and saw Fred approach us. "Damn n/n" he said biting down on his bottom lip while looking me up and down. "You're making me hard!" He whispered yelled to me. I giggled and shrugged, "oops! Hopefully my top doesn't accidentally fall down.." I said winking at him. He smirked and swam back over to Harry and George.

We all swam and hung out in the pool but I decided to go back inside and go to bed. Ginny and Hermione decided they would come too. We all dried off with our towels then went inside to Ginnys room. We all got changed into our pjs.

(Your pjs) And crawled into our beds

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(Your pjs)
And crawled into our beds. "Thanks for making me feel better girls" I said to them. "Of course!" Hermione said. "Anything for our girl" Ginny said. I smiled as Ginny turned off the lamp. "Night" I said to them. "Night" they both said together. They both drifted off to sleep but I couldn't. I was so used to sleeping in Ron's arms listening to his heartbeat and feeling the warmth of his skin on me. Sleeping on my own is going to be difficult.

After a few hours of tossing, turning and thinking, I finally started to drift off to sleep at almost 3 in the morning.

Thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoyed!!💗
Words: 1064

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