Ice cream🍦

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I started to wake up slowly and I sat up rubbing my eyes and stretching. I looked at the clock next to Ron's bed and saw that the time was 1 in the afternoon! I slept forever!! I looked to my side and saw Ron wasn't next to me. I got up and decided to go downstairs to greet everyone. So I put a shirt on over my sports bra and made my way downstairs. I walked into the living room and saw everyone in there. The twins and Ron on the couch, Harry and Ginny on the love seat and Hermione in the one person chair. I rubbed my eyes as I approached them.

"Look who finally decided to show up" I heard Fred remark. I rolled my eyes and looked at Ron who was staring at me with a smile. "You slept for a long time n/n" Ginny told me, I nodded my head at her. "How did you sleep baby girl?" Ron asked me getting up and walking to me, giving me a kiss on the head. "Good" I told him smiling. He put his hand on my lower back and guided me to his spot on the couch. He sat back down and gently pulled me onto his lap, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my cheek. I laid my head on his shoulder.

"So why did you sleep for so long? Did you have trouble sleeping last night?" Hermione asked me, I lifted my head and looked at her. "You could say that" I replied looking back at Ron who was smiling. "When did you get up?" I asked Ron, "around 10" he told me. I got up and went into the kitchen to get some food when I saw the calendar. And I realized my birthday is tomorrow. I hate my birthday, I don't know why, I just do and I will be turning 16, so it's my 'sweet 16th'.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed a granola bar and ripped the wrapper off and ate it, just standing in the middle of the kitchen, then went back into the living room with everyone else. After a couple of hours of talking and hanging out, it was now 4:30 and Molly had supper ready for us in the kitchen so we went and ate.

After an hour of finishing supper I was in Ron's room on his bed reading a book when Ginny came in the room. "Hey" she said to me, "hi" I said back. "We're all going to get ice cream at this really fancy ice cream place, wanna come?" she asked me, "sure, just let me get changed" I told her and she nodded so I ran into Ginnys to room to look through my bags for clothes, when I found a nice shirt and shorts so I changed into them.

(Outfit) I threw my hair down and brushed my comb through it and putting it into a low ponytail with two strands hanging out of it on the both sides of my face

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I threw my hair down and brushed my comb through it and putting it into a low ponytail with two strands hanging out of it on the both sides of my face. After I was done doing my mascara, I grabbed my purse and went downstairs to everyone else. I threw my purse strap over my shoulder and stood next to Ron. "I'm ready" I told them. They all nodded and we headed out the door, me and Ron hand in hand.

We had to walk to the ice cream shop but thankfully it wasn't to far from the burrow and it looked really cute. It was a small building that was painted blue and has a pink roof top. We went up to the window and looked at the menus to decide what we all wanted. Once we all decided, Ginny and Hermione went first because they were paying together, then Fred and George who were paying together, then Harry who was paying for just his then Ron went up to the window dragging me with him.

"Tell the lady what you want" he told me. She looked at me and I told her what I had decided to order and after he ordered his. I tried to give her some of the money but Ron took the money from my hand and gave the lady money from his wallet. We then went over to the others at the other window to wait for our ice cream. "What the hell!" I whined to Ron, he put the money he took from me back in my purse. "No, I'm paying for you. My treat love" he told me. I couldn't help but smile.

Me and Ron heard our orders get called last after everyone else's already got called so we went to the window and grabbed them. My jaw dropped, this is so pretty and fancy!

(The ice cream; if you're lactose then it's all non dairy products)

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(The ice cream; if you're lactose then it's all non dairy products)

We went over to a picnic table and sat down at it to eat our ice cream and talk. Me and Ron sat next to each other and he had his hand on my thigh the whole time while eating his ice cream. We all ate our ice cream and had a really good time together. Once we were all done, we walked back to the house with stomach aches from eating to much. Once we got back to the house it was now 6:30 so we all decided to get ready to relax and call it a night.

I grabbed pjs from my bag in Ginnys room then went into Ron's bathroom to change into them. I took my clothes off and slipped on my pjs.


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These pjs don't seem comfy to most people but once they are on, you never want to take them off. I looked into the mirror and took my hair out of the pony tail running my hair through my hair and washing my face and mascara off. I looked in the mirror and sighed. I'm excited to turn 16 tomorrow but I wonder if anyone will remember anyway.

I left the bathroom and into Ron's bathroom and he looked at me, he was already in basketball shorts with no shirt. "Damn baby girl" he said to me. I giggled and looked at my body then back at him. "You like?" I asked him and he nodded biting down onto his lower lip. I laughed and kissed his cheek and laid down in his bed. I grabbed my book and my reading glasses. He laid next to me and smiled. "Read to me!" He told me, I giggled and looked at him. "You want me to read to you?" I asked him. He nodded and pleaded, "pleaseeee" he gave me a pouting face and I giggled, "okay okay" I gave in.

He laid his head on my chest as I started to read my book out loud to him until his head starting to feel heavier on my chest so I know he has fallen asleep so I quietly closed my book, took my glasses off and shut off the lamp. I slowly drifted off to sleep, forgetting about what tomorrow was.

Thank you for reading!! And I just wanted to let you all know that you never have to picture any outfit or picture that I put on here for you to imagine, you can imagine whatever you want, that's just what I imagine and for whoever wants to imagine them as well is more then welcome to! But you are also more then welcome to imagine your own outfit. Hope you enjoyed!!💗
Words: 1266

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