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I woke up to see a naked Ron sleeping next to me. I looked under the covers and saw I was just in one of Ron's hoodies. I smiled and kissed Ron's cheek. "Baby wake up" I softly said to him, he groaned at me and dug his head into my stomach gently. "Baby you gotta get up" I said to him again. He lifted his head slowly opening his eyes and looked at me. "Why?" He asked me in a deep, raspy morning voice that was so hot. "We gotta get ready and dressed." I told him. He groaned and turned over.

I got up and went into the bathroom to put on pants so I can go into Ginnys room to get new clothes. I looked at Ron who was sleeping again and I left to go to Ginnys room. I was going through my clothes and I decided I just wanted to wear something comfortable today so I grabbed my outfit that I thought would look the most presentable and comfortable and went into the bathroom to change. The girls must've been up already because they weren't in the room.

I changed into my outfit,

Put my hair into a high messy bun and put on my blue light glasses because my eyes were kind of hurting today, then I went back into Ron's room and saw him sitting on his bed rubbing his face now wearing basketball shorts with no shirt

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Put my hair into a high messy bun and put on my blue light glasses because my eyes were kind of hurting today, then I went back into Ron's room and saw him sitting on his bed rubbing his face now wearing basketball shorts with no shirt. I smiled, "oh look who's up" I said and he looked up at me and smiled when he saw me. "You look cute baby" he told me.

"Let's go downstairs" I told him and he nodded and stood up from his bed. He walked over to me and kissed me softly. I pulled away slowly and smiled. I took his hand and we walked downstairs together. We looked at the time and noticed it was already the afternoon and we saw Molly cooking lunch in the kitchen. She turned and looked at us.

"Oh look who finally decided to show up" she said to us with a smile. I smiled back at her, "sorry, we stayed up a little late last night" I told her and she nodded. "Don't be sorry dear, it's summer!" She said causing me and Ron to smile wider. "You guys go hang out with him he others in the living room until lunch is done" she told us going back to her cooking. We left the kitchen and saw the twins sitting on the couch, harry and Ginny sharing the love seat and Hermione sitting on the recliner chair. They all looked at us.

"Good you guys are alive!" Fred said, "we were all worried for ya" George added to Fred's comment. "Oh y/n!" Harry said to me, "yeah?" I said looking at Harry with a smile from the twins comments. "Nice boobs.." Harry told me with a wink. My eyes widened and the girls and the twins started laughing. "What?" I said in shock. Ron's grip on my hand tightened so I could tell he was not happy. "We went to check on you and your boobs weren't under the covers" Harry explained. I looked down in embarrassment.

Ron let go of my hand and his hands went into fists. He was squeezing so tight his knuckles turned white. I grabbed his arm and we looked at each other in the eyes. "Baby don't do something you will regret" I whispered to him. He looked back at Harry, "hey don't be all mad I saw her boobs! You get to see them all the time and touch them!" Harry explained to Ron. "It's not the fact you saw them, it's the fact that you commented on them and came into my room without my permission!" Ron yelled at Harry in the angriest tone I have ever heard from him. I was still holding onto his arm so he won't do anything.

"I was just kidding mate-" Harry tried to tell Ron but Ron walked closer to him so Harry got scared and stopped talking. I let go of Ron's arm and looked away, knowing that if I kept ahold of his arm he would've took it away anyway and there was a chance he could've accidentally hit me. "I thought we were friends mate. I thought you had eyes for my sister! I never thought you would've commented on my girlfriends boobs like that." Ron said to Harry getting closer and closer to him. "Ron please just come here.." I said to him in a soft voice.

He looked at me, once his eyes met mine his hands became not fists anymore and his shoulders didn't seem as tense. He walked over to me and I grabbed his hand and put it straight up my shirt and bra, onto my boob. "Make him jealous.." I whispered to him. Ron started grabbed my boob, and you could tell because my shirt was moving a lot every time he would move his hand. I looked around and saw everyone trying not to laugh and Harry having a very unimpressed look on his face.

I looked back at Ron to see him staring down at my boob area, biting down on his bottom lip, and still grabbing my boob. I smiled and I slowly took his hand out. He looked up at me and pouted at me. "Later" I told him which made him smile a little. He sat down on the floor with his legs apart so I could sit in between them, so I did. He wrapped his arms around my waist and put his chin on my shoulder. Everyone began talking but I didn't really listen. I laid my head gently on Ron's and put my arms on his. He makes me so happy, I hope this never goes away.

I rubbed his arms and closed my eyes until I heard Fred say my name. I looked up and saw all of them looking at me. "Huh?" I said to Fred. "So I'm guessing you and won won had a good time last night again huh?" He asked me with a smirk. This stupid remark made everyone start to smile and hold in there laughter. I looked at Ron who had lifted his head after hearing this. "Yeah we did" Ron said pulling me closer to him, "how'd you know?" I asked Fred. He smirked more, "well.. we heard you." Fred told me. I looked around seeing everyone smirking. "We?" I said with a shocked tone of voice. "Mhmmm" George said sending a wink me and Ron's way.

I giggled a little and looked at Ron. "Oops we forgot the silencing spell again" I told him, he smiled and agreed, "yep, i guess so" I smiled and kissed him.

Thanks for reading this part!! This is probably my favorite book that I have written so far in any book that I have written, so I will post more on this story. I have so many ideas for new parts of this story! Hope you enjoyed!💗 {I'm gonna start doing word counts!}
Words: 1195

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