Nights with bae💙

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While I was washing my hair in the shower, I felt cold hands on my hips from behind me. I jumped a little and turned around to see Ron standing there with his hands on my waist. "Ronald!" I yelled. He smiled proudly, "yeah?" He asked me. "You scared me!" I said turning back around and rinsing the shampoo out of my hair.

Once I was done, I wiped the water out of my face and looked back at Ron. "What are you doing in here?" I asked him. He pouted, "I missed you.." he told me. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his body. "Fine you can stay" I told him. He smiled, "yay!" He shouted. "Your lucky your cute" I told him causing him to smile wider.

"Have you washed your body yet?" He asked me, when I said no, he smiled wide and grabbed the body wash. He poured some body wash onto his hand and put the bottle down. He started to lather the body wash in his hands and slowly started washing my body. He mainly washed my boobs, (which I'm not surprised) and after my whole body was covered in soap, I stood under the water to rinse it off.

After I was rinsed off, I moved to the side so Ron could stand under the water. Water ran down his hair and face and down his body. His eyes were closed and his body seemed so relaxed. He looked so good like this. With the water dripping down his body, his hair drooping over his face very messy like and how relaxed his body was. He just looked so attractive to me. He stood out of the water and ran his hands through his hair to get it out of his face.

After a few minutes of standing in the corner of the shower freezing from not being under the water, Ron was done washing his hair and body. We both got out of the shower and he wrapped his waist in a towel. I looked over at him and I think I started to drool a little bit from how good he looked. Water still dripping down his body, how the towel was on his waist just low enough to see his v-line, his hair was messy but still looked perfect. He is perfect.

I threw my hair in a towel and wrapped my body up in a towel as well. Ron kissed my cheek and walked out of the bathroom into his room to change. I closed the bathroom door and started to dry off with the towel that was around my body.

Once my body was dry enough for me to put my clothes on without a struggle, I did.

(Outfit) I threw my head down and unwrapped the towel off my hair

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I threw my head down and unwrapped the towel off my hair. I flipped my head up and my hair went flying upwards and behind me. It was a mess. I quickly combed through it then got my hair dryer from the cabinet under the sink. I blow dried my hair until it was completely dry, then put it back where it goes.

After I was done drying my hair and putting the hair drier back, I put lotion on my face, legs, arms and hands, then threw my hair into a messy bun.

After I was done with everything, I left the bathroom and went into Ron's room. I saw him sitting on his bed looking at the floor with basketball shorts on and no shirt. He must've heard my foot steps because right when I was getting closer to him he looked up at me and smiled. "Hey beautiful" he told me with a big smile. I smiled at him back, "hey" I said. Once I got close enough for him to reach me, he grabbed my hand and pulled my in between his legs.

He puts his hands on my thighs and looked up at me. I looked down at him with a smile and tan my fingers through his (still) damp hair. He slowly rubbed my thighs and smiled up at me as I was smiling down at him. I leaned down and kissed him. After a few seconds of us kissing, he grabbed me by my waist and yanks me down onto the bed next to him which caused me to pull away from the kiss and start laughing. He started laughing as well.

"What the bloody hell was that Ron?" I said after I was done laughing so hard. "I wanted you to lay with me" he said in a snarky tone. "You couldn't have just told me to lay down with you? You HAD to yank me down?" I said giggling and sitting up. He sat up too and looked at me. "Well I could've asked you, but yanking you seemed more fun" he told me. I lightly hit his shoulder and he dramatically fell backwards onto the bed.

I laughed and looked over at him. He was playing dead, with his eyes shut, my hand on his forehead and tongue sticking out of his mouth. "Oh my gosh, dramatic much?" I said laughing. He tried not to laugh but couldn't help it and started laughing with me. He grabbed me and pulled my down next to him and started aggressively tickling my stomach. I squealed and started laughing super hard. I kicked my feet and he laughed with me, still tickling me.

"Ron! S...stop!!" I tried to yell at him but I couldn't while laughing this hard. After a few minutes he finally stopped and my side hurt from laughing so hard. He stopped laughing but was still smiling and so was I. "My side hurts from laughing" I told him, he chuckled at what I said. "Oops" he said shrugging with a big, dorky smile. I kissed his cheek and stood up. I looked at the clock and saw it was already midnight. "Wow it's later then I thought" I told him. He looked at the clock and nodded, "yeah" he said back.

"Are you tired?" He asked me. I shrugged, "not really, but if you are we can go to bed together" I told him. He shook his head, "no, you want to go make chocolate chip cookies?!" He asked me with a bright smile. I smiled super wide and got super excited. "Yes yes yes!" I replied. He smiled, stood up and took my hand. "Lead the way madam" he told me in an accent. I giggled and left the room with him following behind me.

Next part they will make the cookies!! Fun fun fun!! Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed!💗
Words: 1120

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