Part 6 - Work

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You practically run to the hotel, your training session lasting a bit longer than expected. Despite absolutely hating work, you need the extra cash, and working at one of the best hotels in the area seemed like it would pay a lot. It doesn't, but you don't know where else to work around here.

You sprint through the front doors, pulling on your uniform as you go, hoping that this doesn't look too unprofessional, but seeing as you're also dripping sea water everywhere that's probably wishful thinking.

"Y/n!" Your boss calls. Damn it. You were hoping you'd sneak in undetected. You walk over shamefully, eyes at the floor. "This is the second time you've been late this week. Go and get dried off and then you're in the restaurant today." He said, handing you an apron.

You head to the bathrooms, taking a little bit longer than necessary so that the time will cut into your shift. After getting dry and hopefully looking a little bit more professional, you tie your apron round your waist and head into the restaurant. It's one that's open to the public as well as hotel guests, and it's situated right by an outdoor pool, which you always think is a little bit of a hazard but, it looks nice, you guess.

"Cutting it a bit fine, aren't you Y/n?" One of your co workers asks as you grab a pen and pad to take people's orders.

"Got caught up. Surfing." You reply, not waiting to hear his response as you get ready to take orders.

About half an hour into your shift, you notice a group sat on one of the tables next to the pool. A group of teenagers with familiar branded T-shirts. You look at the area they're sat in: your area. Which means you have to wait on them. Great.
"Hi what can I get you?" You say, forcing a smile as you arrive at their table.

Griff looks like he's about to order without even taking a second glance at his waiter, but Sheridon nudges his arm, gesturing to you. "Look who it is." She mutters.

He looks at you a moment, then his face fades into recognition. "Oh! You're Sousa's sister! A   Shorehaven Boardrider. Shouldn't you be training for Jackson Bay? You definitely need the practice." He laughs.

"Or maybe just some practice in how not to get disqualified." Sheridon adds, and your cheeks start burning at the thought that everyone knows about that. One little shove and you're branded for life.

You try to keep cool, remaining composure as you ask again: "What do you want to order?" a little more forcefully this time.

"I don't know yet. Maybe nothing. Maybe I'm just enjoying sitting here." Griff replies patronisingly. You know he's just trying to wind you up, so you try not to let him get to you.

"If you don't want anything, you can go sit somewhere else; people need these tables." You argue; you can practically feel your boss's eyes fixed on the situation.

"Um, I don't like your tone." He says mockingly. "I wanna see the manager."

"No wait, Griff-"

"Can I see the manager?" He calls into the kitchen, so loud the whole restaurant gets silenced.

You watch in dread as the manager walks over, glancing between both you and the group from Anchor Cove.

"What's going on here, guys?"

"I'm afraid your waiter has been crossing the line." He says, stealing a smirk at you before going back to play his wounded puppy act to the boss.

"Is that true, Y/n?" He asks you, and you open your mouth to speak, but someone beats you to it.

"No it's not true." You turn around to see Ari walking towards you. "They were the ones making trouble."

"Yeah? And now you're the one doing it." Griff stands up, slamming his fist on the table as he does, so that he's face to face with Ari, loathing etched on both their faces as they stare.

"Oi!" Your boss comes between them. "Take it outside, boys." He orders, and Griff rolls his eyes and scoffs, grabbing his jacket as the rest of the Anchor Cove surfers stand up with him. "It's okay. We're leaving."

You and Ari watch them go: Sheridon goes first, then her friends and then Griff's. And finally the ringleader. "I'm not done with you. Both of you. We'll see who the champ is at Jackson Bay, won't we."

"Yeah. We will." Ari replies. "But right now you kinda need to leave, so..." he replies smugly, and Griff's face turns harder, colder. With one hard push he shoves Ari, who clings onto you, who then falls straight in the water with a splash, hitting your face on the side of the shallow pool.

"What the hell Griff?!" You shout as you emerge, wiping blood from your nose. Ari gives you a hand out the pool, and you stand on the side, dripping water and blood.

"Alright, all of you lot, out of here." The manager says to the Anchor Cove group, and they file out defeatedly, but still manage to send evil looks a long the way.
"You alright Y/n?" Your boss asks, and you nod.

"Yeah I'll be fine, I just need to dry off." You reply.

"Y'know what? You only have another hour of your shift just take the day off and go get cleaned up." He says, handing you a towel from one of the racks by the pool which you accept gratefully.

"My place is only down the road if you wanna get sorted there." Ari offers after the manager is gone.


A/N: Hi! This is my first author's note so I have quite a lot to say lol.
Anyway thank u so much for all the comments on this book it really means a lot. And also the amount of reads is insane! I've never had a book do this well this fast. So thank you ☺️

Also I really want to start another Surviving Summer fanfic. I'll still keep regularly updating this one, but if anyone has any ideas please let me know 😊

Phoebe x

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