Part 20 - 360

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The morning before the day of the Subtropix 360 trials, you get up early and head downstairs for breakfast. Marlon's already sat at the table as your mum moves around the kitchen. 

"I'm going to see Manu this afternoon about the biased judging at Jackson Bay. That judge Roberts better not be on the panel for Subtropix." she says to Marlon, who rolls his eyes. 

"It was my own fault I lost at Jackson Bay." he mutters. "I don't want Manu to think I'm complaining. He hates me enough already." 

"He doesn't hate you, he just..." she trails off when she sees you loitering in the doorway. "Come in, Y/n, I was just..."

"Are you still considering moving to Anchor Cove?" you say to Marlon, accidentally cutting your mum off.

"I don't know." he says quietly, as you take a seat opposite him on the table. 

"Manu does rate you, y'know." you say. It's been nearly a week since you and Marlon properly talked. Besides trying to avoid him questioning why you've been practically been limping around the house for the last few days, you also hadn't forgotten about your fight last week. But as long as Marlon has put the thought of moving clubs out of his head for now, you decide you can try and be civil to him again.

"He might rate me but he doesn't like me." Marlon says, and you can't help feeling a pang of sympathy for Marlon. It's a kind of unspoken fact amongst the board riders that Manu doesn't particularly get on well with your brother. "I'm sorry, by the way. For trying to use you to let mum move us to Anchor Cove."

"It's fine." you reply, then an idea pops into your head. "But if you felt like you had to make it up to me, you could help me with something."

"Help you with what?" he says cautiously.

"Teach me to do a pop-shuvit."

He scoffs. "No way. Listen Y/n, you can either do it or you can't, and you've tried before and it's pretty clear you can't."

"Oh my god, Marlon you're not that much better at surfing than me! Just teach me how to do it!" you exclaim.

"Why do you even want to learn it?"

"Because it's Subtropix, Mars! If I get the wildcard spot, the rest of the rounds are based on public voting! I need to look cool." you say.

He laughs. "You won't need to learn it because you won't even get past the first round of the trials." he says, taking his empty plate to the sink. 

"Please Marlon!" you ask.

"Marlon, just teach her and I won't go talk to Manu." your mum sighs, obviously fed up of your bickering.

You raise an eyebrow at your brother, who rolls his eyes and sighs. "Fine. Meet me at the beach in an hour."


You grab your wet suit and board from the garage, and cycle down to the beach. It's already getting ready for the 360 down there as you weave your way in and out of a plethora of banners and flags scattered about the cliff tops. 

"Y/n!" you hear Poppy call, and see her ushering you over. She's sat with Summer and Bodhi on the fence around the area for spectators. You jump off your bike and walk it over to them.

"Hey Y/n." Summer says. "I see you're ready for your heat." she says, gesturing to your board and wet suit.

"Nah, i'm just practising with Marlon. The comp doesn't start 'till tomorrow." you say. 

"Well, are you ready for your first Subtropix?" Bodhi asks with a smile. Sometimes it seems like Bodhi's questions have a hidden meaning underneath. Like for some reason, that question seemed to you like she was asking 'are you ready for your first Subtropix because we've all done it before and are more experienced than you?'. Maybe you're just being paranoid because deep down, you're actually incredibly nervous.

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