Part 16 - Apologise

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As you watch the boys surf, you notice how slow Marlon's looking out there. You can't help feeling glad he's not doing that great in the finals, but then again, Ari's not doing great either.

As the heat draws to a close, Ari finally catches a good wave, closely followed by Marlon who catches a good 3-footer. It's enough to get him a score, but Griff takes first, Ari second, and Marlon third.

"Let's go boys!" Manu shouts as they run in, but it's clear it wasn't the result he was looking for. Ari and Marlon still look pleased though, and Marlon even hit Ari on the arm playfully, both smiling.

You pray to god Ari hasn't forgiven him. Because you certainly haven't. 

You receive your medal and gather round to watch Poppy and Griff get their trophies. You notice a photographer ask for a photo of Ari, and he pulls Marlon forward, both of them posing with their medals, smiles plastered across their faces. So you frown. 

After the awards ceremony, you make your way back to the cars, keeping as far away from Marlon as possible. As you reach the car park, you go towards your mum's car, and you've just opened the door before Summer calls out.

"Hey, Y/n! Ride with us!"

You slam the door. "Gladly." you mutter, glad to be away from your brother.

"Wait!" Ari exclaims, and you turn slowly on your heel.


"Err...will there be enough room? Shouldn't you just go with us?" he says hesitantly, and you can't help noticing the way he looks slightly nervous. Maybe it's just the adrenaline of the finals wearing off.

"What?" Summer says incredulously. "Of course there's enough room, Ari. C'mon, Y/n." she says, climbing into the back of the van.

"But-" Ari says, but Marlon interrupts. 

"Let her go man." he says. "Do you really want her driving with us?"

"Wow, I feel really appreciated, thanks Mars." you say sarcastically, with a fake smile on your face as you walk towards the van; all you really want to do is punch him.


The drive back has a little more atmosphere than the one there, but you can't exactly relax. For some reason this thing with Marlon and Ari has really gotten to you.

"So, Y/n, you excited for Subtropix?" Poppy asks, but Summer interrupts.

"What's that?" 

"It's like an event where the pros compete, but all the groms have a chance with the wildcard spot to compete with them." Poppy explains. "It's like a completely televised event and it's down to the public vote who gets through."

"That's cool." Summer says. "Are you competing?"

"Of course. Happens every year, but none of us have ever really gotten that far." Poppy admits. "Y/n's never competed though, that's why I was asking if she was excited." she leans round so she's facing you. "So are you? Excited?"

"I suppose." you reply absent-mindedly as you stare out the window.

"What is with you, Y/n?" Bodhi asks, nudging you slightly.

"Probably just frustrated she didn't win!" Manu laughs from the front, and you roll your eyes slightly. All you want to do is scream at him and tell him that the reason you didn't win is just because you followed his advice and played it safe. But you don't. All you do is laugh with the group, being harmlessly sarcastic. "Wow Manu, thanks." you reply, going back to staring at the familiar scenery as you pass the sign saying 'Welcome to Shorehaven.'

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