Part 95 - Passion

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Bodhi glares at you for a second, then scoffs and turns on her heel with Wren followed close behind. The way she sashays away makes your blood boil - it's as if she thinks she is so above you, and it's not just today. It's been happening since the start of the season.

"Dude, why are you so mad?" you call after her, the words tumbling from your mouth before you can stop them. You're not in control of your tone, or your vocabulary, or your body language - and you can imagine you're not coming across as the friendliest person at the party. "Ever since State selection you've been mad at me!"

She says nothing, folding her arms across her body as Wren comes to stand at her side. They're a united front. It makes you even angrier.

"Oh, come on!" you exclaim, throwing your hands up, your drink spilling over the top of the bottle. "Don't just stand there looking pissed and not tell me!"

"You're drunk," Bodhi says bluntly, taking a step forward. "Pull yourself together."

There's no way you're doing as she says. The way she's leaning over you is irritating. The way she's looking down at you is irritating. The way she thinks she's so much better than you - better behaved, a better surfer, a better person. It's so irritating.

You take a step forward so your faces are only about eight inches apart, then raise the beer bottle to your lips and down the rest of your drink in one. It burns your throat, leaves a sour taste in your mouth, but your response earns you an impressed murmur from the crowd of party goers who have stopped the music now, you and Bodhi's argument much better entertainment apparently.

"Stop trying to act like that." Bodhi says quietly, only loud enough for you to hear.

"Like what?" you shrug, trying to act casual, unbothered, but she's really gotten under your skin.

"Like you're so mature because you can handle a sip of alcohol," she replies - there's no venom in her words, no spite, but you continue to glare up at her. "You're only sixteen. You've got plenty of time to drink."

You scoff - It just sounds so patronising, it makes you crazy. She's not that much older than you.

"And that's not the only thing you've got plenty of time to do." Wren adds with a glare, and Bodhi snaps her head back to face her friend as if to say 'what are you doing?!'

"What?" Wren asks Bodhi. "I think Y/n's right, I think you should tell her why you're so mad. Maybe then she can...fix it." Wren suggests, and you realise she's right. You'd love to hear why Bodhi has been giving you the cold shoulder for weeks, why her face has turned cold whenever you speak.

Bodhi doesn't say anything, though. And Wren takes the lead. "Fine, if you won't, I will." she says, but her statement is followed with silence.

"Go on then!" you exclaim. "We're all waiting!" you gesture to the group of people gathered in your back garden - half of them you don't even know, and for some reason you're inviting them to listen in on this conversation. What is wrong with you tonight?

Wren huffs before stepping out of Bodhi's shadow. "We just think that you could have given your spot on the State Team to Bodhi."

"What?" you say quietly, in disbelief, then the volume of your voice rises. "Are you insane? No one in their right mind would give their spot up on the State Team! Anyway, why aren't you mad at Poppy, or Summer, or Wren?!" you exclaim. "They took places on the team that could have been yours, so why are you picking on me?"

"Because you still have another year, Y/n!" Bodhi suddenly shouts, her composure disappearing in a millisecond. "You can try out again next year, but this was my last chance to make the State Team!"

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