Part 13 - Shame

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You and the others climb up the ladder to the window, taking turns helping each other onto the roof. It took a bit of convincing to get Ari to sneak out, but now that he's sat around with everyone, he seems to be enjoying himself.

"It's been ages since we snuck out." Poppy says.

"I think the last time was midnight, skinny-dipping for my birthday." Marlon says, and you roll your eyes as he glances towards Ari. "Right before..."

"Yeah. A lot's changed since then." he replies, not meeting Marlon's eyes.

"Okay, seriously, you guys need to talk some stuff out," Summer says exasperatedly, "because this whole 'don't mention the before times' routine is getting super boring."

"Summer, this isn't New York." Ari says. "We don't all go to therapy every five minutes."

Summer laughs in response. "What? Who said anything about therapy? I've got something way better. It's a game I played back home. It's called 'Shame'." she explains, reaching for something in her pocket.

She pulls out a pen. "You say something like, I don't know...'I've never read the poetry Ari hides in a shoe box under his bed'." she says, which you can't help laughing at. You'd never have pegged Ari for the poetry type, but maybe this just makes you like him more.

"Oi, that is private." he says, but a smile plays on his lips.

"So because I have read it, I write an 'S' on my forehead." Summer explains. "First mark of 'Shame'. First one to get the full word on their head loses. Who's in?"

You shrug. "Why not?"

"Sure." Ari says too, and soon you begin the game.

"Anyone got any questions?" Summer asks.

"Okay, I'll go first." Poppy says. "I've never waved back at someone who I thought was waving at me, then realised they weren't." she smiles, and you put your hand out. Who hasn't done that?

"Pen." you say, rolling your eyes as Summer laughs, placing it in your palm.

"First mark of 'Shame', Y/n. Better not get anymore."

"I'm not making any promises." you say, writing an 'S' on your forehead rather shakily.

"I've done it too." Ari says, and you hand him the pen.

"And me." Poppy smiles, and Bodhi also takes the pen after her.

"What, you've never done that Mars?" you ask Marlon, who hasn't asked for the pen, and he scoffs.

"Nope. Never. I don't embarrass myself in public like you." he says, raising his eyebrows.

"No but you do in the surf." you mutter.

"What's that supposed to mean?" he shoots back.

"Always coming in second to Ari, who's been out for a year. Isn't that a little embarrassing?" You say, twiddling a thread from your hoodie around your finger, a little scared to meet your brother's eyes.

"Okay, guys, I don't really wanna get caught in the middle of your sibling fight, so next question." Summer says, taking control.

"Okay, I have one." Marlon says. "I've never got really freaked out in the middle of a hold down and nearly drowned."

You roll your eyes, and he grabs the pen from Bodhi. "Here Y/n, I'll do it for you-" he reaches over and you try to back away, but he manages to write a wonky 'H' on your forehead, nearly poking your eye out in the process.

"Oi, Marlon that's enough." Ari says.

"Was I talking to you?" he shoots back.

"GUYS!" Summer yells. "This is meant to be fun!"

You can't help wondering exactly where the fun is at the moment. Right now, you hate Marlon so much you wish he'd just leave you all in peace.

"Poppy? You got a question?" Summer asks, and Poppy purses her lips in thought.

"Um...I've never seen a ghost before." she says, and proceeds to write a 'H' on her forehead.

"Poppy, you have not seen a ghost." Bodhi laughs.

"I have!" she replies, although it looks like she knew that no one would believe her.

"Okay." Bodhi laughs. "Err, I've never peed during a competition heat."

"Um, everyone does that?" Poppy replies.

"Not me."

"Okay, c'mon guys these questions are lame! I want the dirt." Summer exclaims. "How about, I've never had a crush on someone on this roof."

You hesitate. Is it cheating if you just skip on one little question? If you put your hand up, you're obviously not gonna be having a crush on Marlon, so people are gonna guess it's Ari. It's  not worth the risk.

Bodhi and Marlon both raise their hands, obviously. You still find it kind of strange that they're a couple, especially as last year you thought Bodhi was having a thing with Ari. Maybe it's a good thing that never happened, you think. You can't help noticing that Ari doesn't put his hand up though.

"I saw that, Poppy." Summer says with a grin - Poppy must have raised her hand, you think. "Who is it?"

"Hey, no follow up questions." she replies quickly.

"Is it me? I mean, I could hardly blame you I'm like a total 10." Summer jokes, and Poppy humours her, probably just so they can finally change topics.

"Yeah, Summer, it's you." she rolls her eyes. "Who's next?"

But Summer obviously isn't finished. "Hold on...not Ari?" she says, which recieves laughs from Marlon and Bodhi, but Ari's face is stone cold.

"Oh, man this is too good." Marlon laughs.

"Marlon leave it." Ari says.


"Just, don't be a jerk." Ari replies.

"Me? You're the one who's been acting like a tool ever since you came back." Marlon shoots at him, and Ari visibly rolls his eyes.

"Come on guys, next question." Bodhi says urgently.

"Yeah, alright, how about this one." Ari laughs sarcastically. "I've never left a friend lying in hospital for months without once coming to visit."

Your stomach drops. You look at Ari, and guilt consumes you. You had no idea he wanted people to visit him. Then you look at  Poppy and Bodhi, the same guilty, confused looks on their faces. Then you stare at Marlon.

"Ari..." Poppy says softly. "Marlon told us you didn't want to see anyone."

You watch Ari's face fade into realisation as he stares at his ex-best friend. "Yeah? Well I did." he replies, standing up and heading back the window on the roof.

"Ari, wait..." Marlon gets up too, walking over to Ari and putting a hand on his shoulder, but Ari quickly shakes it off, pushing Marlon to the side.

Suddenly, Marlon loses his balance, and his foot misses the end of the roof as he falls into the darkness below.

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