Part 68 - Close

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It's about a month later when you see Ari and Wren at Back Beach. Kissing.

You've had constant updates from Marlon about how much Wren has been hanging around the Boardriders club recently - not attending it, just...hanging around. Constantly. You knew something was up long before you saw them down at the beach.

And before you knew it, your spot at Back Beach for a daily morning surf had quickly turned into a prime date spot for Ari and Wren. It's infuriating. And ridiculous. Why should you have to give up your training days for them to make out below the cliff undercut? It's ridiculous.

It just so happens that you try your luck one day at the beach, and it's empty. Finally. You didn't even have to come earlier to avoid them. You wonder for a second if perhaps they've broken up. Not that you care about Ari's love life - you just want your training spot back. Obviously.

You throw your bike down and pull on your wetsuit rapidly, scared of wasting valuable time which could be used alone, training in the water, and rush down the stairway two steps at a time before you reach the sand in record time.

When you finally get into the sea, you feel the change in the temperature from the last time you were here - just another factor to remind you of how long you've been waylaid by Wren and Ari. Another reminder of how irritating she is.

You manage to catch a few good waves, feeling a little rusty at first but managing to get back into the swing of it, despite the unsteady board beneath you: it's been damaged ever since Stairway, but you can't get another one - you know that you won't be able to surf right on another board, you just know it. And it has nothing to do with the fact you bought this board with Ari. It's not. But, you know that you desperately need a new board, especially before state selection.

As you ride a wave in, your couple hours of training over, you're suddenly aware of a figure strolling up the beach in your direction, a board under the arm. A familiar figure, silhouetted by the rising sun and headed straight for you.

"Hey." Ari smiles, and you stumble off your board in the shallows, your feet sinking into the sand and making you trip embarrassingly.

"Oh, hey," you reply, as coolly as possible. "What are you up to?"

"I'm just here for some practice." he replies.

"No Wren today?" you wonder aloud, and he shrugs.

"Nah, she had a meeting with Subtropix this morning; she should be here soon though."

"Oh, great." you say, as convincingly as possible.

He doesn't reply at first, glancing around awkwardly, doing that thing he does to act casual where he puts all his weight on one leg and leans to the side. "So, err, I feel like we haven't really talked much these past few weeks."

"Yeah, well, you've been busy with the team, and...other stuff." you say, hoping he doesn't realise you mean a certain blonde girl.

"Yeah, yeah, and you've been busy with...stuff," he mutters, and you can't suppress a laugh at his tentativeness, and you watch the corners of his mouth bend upwards into a tight smile. "I've missed it. I mean, you." he stutters.

"Same." you reply. You're in a strange position now; with both of you having boards under your arms but on opposite sides, you're wedged in between both them and Ari. Close. You tilt your head up slightly to properly look at him: he looks older, his hair a little longer and more wild than before, and his face more rugged and resolute.

"Hey guys!" you hear an unfamiliar voice, quickly turn your head to see Wren striding towards you both, and you take an instant step back, tearing your eyes away from Ari's face.

Ari does the same, clearing his throat. "Hey, Wren, what's up?" he says, instantly leaning in to kiss her in greeting. On the lips.

"Oh, nothing much. Just renewing my contract with Subtropix." she smiles, waiting for the praise she's obviously expecting to come her way. And Ari annoyingly gives it to her.

"Oh, that's amazing Wren, congrats!" he exclaims, leaning in to kiss her. Again. "Oh, by the way Wren, this is Y/n."

"Yeah, we met, remember?" you say, feeling slightly irritated at the lack of acknowledgment from your first meeting.

"Oh, yeah of course! Nice to see you again." she replies, even leaning in for a hug which you reluctantly return.

"Yeah, and err, congrats." you say, mustering a smile.

"Oh, thank you," she smiles. "It's not a big deal though, really." Which means it totally is, you think.

"Anyway, I'm going to get out there before the swell dies." Ari says, waiting for an approving nod from Wren before jogging out into the water.

"Be out there in a minute!" Wren calls after him, and you wonder what exactly she has to do on the sand before she can get in the water. You guess it must be something to do with you.

"So you and Ari are close, huh?" Wren dives straight in, and your brow furrows.

"We're friends, yeah, but I wouldn't say we're that close." you reply confusedly. What on earth is Wren trying to say? That you want to try and break them up or something? By getting close to Ari again? You broke up with him. You're not that petty that you'll try and break them up just for being together.

"What, not anymore?" Wren pushes, and doesn't wait for your response. "Bodhi told me about you and Ari last year." she says.

"Didn't know you and Bodhi were close." you reply, unsure of what else to say.

"Well, Ari's got a new girlfriend now, so," she moves in closer. "Don't bother trying to get close again, okay?"

She immediately runs towards the sea, barely sparing you a second glance as she chases after Ari. And you're left with an indescribable feeling. Despite its unfamiliarity, there's something you can place.

You completely and utterly hate Wren Radic.

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