Part 90 - Photos

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It's just after 12 o'clock when you and the others finally get down to the beach. There's a set up of deckchairs and surfboards and other props with that same orange hue as the outfits you're wearing.

Dice, the photographer does a few test shots of the ocean before turning to you all as you get into position. He seems cool from first impressions, obviously very enthusiastic about his work which is good, and he seems eager to start.

"Okay, guys, to set the scene: it's the 90s, Byron is still a secret surf spot and you guys are just frothing to get out there, okay?" He holds his camera up. "So, just show me what you got."

"Where do I look?" Poppy mutters, and Wren responds instantly, asserting herself as the knowledgeable one of the group. "Look straight at camera, shoulders back." She steps forward, taking her own advice, and Dice appears to like it.

"It's Wren, right? Okay, you're my superstar, so come forward." Dice says, beckoning her to take a few steps towards him. You try not to allow yourself to be irritated by Wren - she has done this before, so it would make sense that she knows what she's doing. It's irrational to be annoyed at her for this, but it doesn't stop your first curling at your side as she places one hand on her hip and poses naturally.

Wren and Bodhi go back to back, smiling widely as Dice continues to photograph them and you, Poppy and Summer are shoved to the side.

Summer nudges you, pointing to the rack of boards, and you follow her and grab one - they fit the vibe of the shoot, orange and reds with a stripe of white down the one you choose.

"Yes! Bring the boards in, I love it!" Dice exclaims dramatically, and you can't suppress a smile as you, Summer and Poppy all get in the picture together.

"Do you want me to get in the middle?" Wren asks, but Dice shakes his head.

"Maybe in a minute, this is perfect for now." Dice responds, and you can't push down the feeling of satisfaction that comes over you when you glimpse Wren's face.

After maybe an hour of photos, Dice puts his camera down. "Okay, I think that's a wrap. I think we got it," he nods, and you feel the others relax from their poses beside you. "What d'you think Molly?"

"Yeah, Dice I think we got it." Molly says efficiently - she's obviously on a tight schedule here, although she'd probably agree with whatever Dice says to keep him happy.

"Okay! That's it girls. That's a wrap." he says, placing his camera down gently on the table.

"Awesome, okay, Y/n, Poppy, Summer and Poppy let's get you in the water while it's still offshore." Molly says, picking up her clipboard.

Bodhi tenses beside you. "Wait, am I not surfing?"

"Uh, we might get to it later, but we just have a few more bikinis we want to get you in." Molly says, giving her a thumbs up, and you feel a pang of guilt for Bodhi, who you know wanted to have more surfing in her contract.

You and the others go to get changed into wetsuits and head into the water - it feels warmer than back home as you paddle out, and when you get out back the sun is in your eyes. The photographer is on the back of a jetski, which revs to get over a wave approaching.

Poppy catches the first one, and the jetski follows her in a little way before the wave closes out and she jumps off her board.

As the next set rolls in, you attempt to catch the third wave, which is usually a pretty good one, but Wren is making it impossible to catch a single decent wave. She keeps cutting you off, or distracting you when you're about to paddle in.

Finally, you manage to get the second wave in a pretty good set, and you're up instantly - the wave face is broad, so you manage to pull off a nice cutback. Suddenly, you notice Wren is on the wave too - she must have caught it at the same time behind you.

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