Part 19 - Aftermath

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You jolt awake. Light is pouring in and you can hear people rummaging about upstairs. You push yourself up on your hands; you're still aching and your leg is killing you, but you limp your way over to the kitchen area and fill a kettle with water.

You sigh as you think of Subtropix which is only a week away. All that time you'd spent preparing for it gone in a flash because of one stupid night surf. You know that if Manu thinks you're injured he won't let you surf, but if you can just keep quiet until after the comp (maybe you'll be fine by then anyway), you can surf and it'll all be fine. Unless Ari says something.


You wander slowly around the club as you wait for the kettle to boil, looking for any indication Ari is still here.

You only vaguely remember him sleeping next to you last night, and you're not sure if it actually even happened or you just dreamt it.

You're starting to think that the latter is correct, as he's absolutely nowhere to be found, and there's no sign that he's even been here.

Suddenly, you hear footsteps coming downstairs, and stumble round the corner in case the person is Manu.

"Y/n?" You hear Poppy call, and breathe a sigh of relief as you slink back into her view. "Woah, Y/n, you look terrible."

"Thanks Pops." You say dully.

"Ari told me what happened. That's a pretty look move when the tide's that far out on the reef."

"I know. And I have a feeling I'll be hearing that again when Manu finds out."

"You sure telling him is the best idea?"

"I never said that i'm gonna tell him. But he's bound to find out eventually isn't he."

"Not necessarily. Just don't surf 'till Subtropix next week and you'll probably be all good." She suggests, and you can't deny the thought has crossed your mind. But surely someone will find out, or maybe you should even tell someone. You can even vaguely remember Ari telling you to go to a hospital last night, so it must have been pretty bad. Your hand instinctively reaches down to the gash on your leg which is completely covered now. You make a note to yourself to not look at the damage yet; maybe wait a few days until it doesn't look as bad.

"Where is Ari?" You ask.

"He went home. I told him I'd keep an eye on you, but he said he'd be back first thing today anyway." A sudden sound of footsteps interrupts her, and Ari comes chasing round the corner, his shirt unbuttoned and his hair a mess.

"Y/n!" He exclaims, slowing down as he reaches you and Poppy. "How are you?"

"I'm...good. I guess." You say. When did things become so awkward?

"That's good." He replies, putting his hands in the pockets of his jeans and rocking on his heels. " do you want me to walk you home or something?"

"Yeah, sure." You reply. Ari's acting strangely - maybe talking with him will help clear the air.


You're halfway down the coast path when Ari finally says something. It's been quiet the whole way there, save for sound of the waves beneath you.

" about Subtropix," Ari starts, "...and Marlon."

"Marlon?" you ask; that's not at all what you thought he was going to say.

"Well, we kind of made up after Jackson Bay, so we're friends again now, so I just feel like I should tell him about what happened last night." when you don't say anything, he continues. "I mean, if I don't tell him and then somehow he finds out, he's not gonna be happy."

You want to tell Ari that you probably would in fact let Marlon know what happened if he hadn't of been trying to convince your mum to let him leave Shorehaven, and take you with him. You hadn't forgotten about that.

"I'm not exactly speaking to Marlon at the moment." you reply. "I don't wanna mess up your friendship either, but he won't find out Ari. I swear. I'll hide it." you smirk, and Ari manages a tiny smile back. "What did you want to say about Subtropix?"

"Oh, yeah, um just promise me if you're not feeling up to it next week you won't surf."

"Fine." you sigh, just as you reach your house; it's nice to have Ari looking out for you.

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