Part 31 - Together

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It had been a few days, and you had still yet to see you and Ari's secret blasted out across Anchor Cove's Instagram feed, but you can't shake off the feeling that Griff is planning something. Then again, is he as bad as everyone says he is? Sure, he's extremely competitive when it comes to surfing, but other than playing a few mind games, what's he actually done?

These thoughts keep rattling around in your mind as you stroll to the club in the morning. It doesn't matter if you're banned, all you know is that you're getting back in that club today, even if it means you have to get down on your knees and beg Manu to give you another chance.

When you get there, Poppy's leading a group out for a beginner session - you say a quick 'hi' but she doesn't respond; she must not have heard you. You head inside, where Manu is sorting through some papers at his desk. He looks stressed, and you nearly step back in an attempt to leave before he notices you, but his eyes snap up and he stops what he's doing, which is your signal to step further inside.

"Y/n. How can I help you?" he says nonchalantly.

"Uhh, I just came to see if you needed any help, with y'know, preparations for board riders...or anything really." you lie, a plan suddenly forming in your mind. Maybe begging isn't the best way to convince Manu; maybe you need to show how dedicated you are first, even if it means doing work for free.

Manu looks slightly confused, but points to a bucket of rash vests with the 'Tetanui Surf School' logo printed on the front. "You can rinse and dry those out before Poppy's group comes back. And then you'll have another set to do once they're out the water."

You nod slowly. "Okay, I can do that."

"Thanks, Y/n." he says, his brow still furrowed slightly as he turns back to his paperwork.

You grab the bucket, trying and failing to pick it up when you realise its weight, so you resort to dragging it along the floor until you're next to the hosepipe outside.

It takes a little while, but you eventually get into a rhythm of rinsing out the vests and hanging them to dry, and you're nearly done by the time you hear familiar footsteps coming up the path.

"Ari?" you say as he comes round the corner - he looks mad, his hands balled into fists and rigid at his sides, and your first thought turns to Griff. "What's up?" you ask, but he ignores you and goes straight into the club behind you.

Unable to contain your curiosity, you follow quickly behind him, hearing a slightly raised voice floating out of the building. Ari is facing Manu, who is sat back in his chair unfazed as he listens to his student.

"I thought you would do something to help!?" Ari exclaims.

You hang back, listening to Ari. Did Manu tell his parents about his anxiety?

He continues, "Instead, I've just heard from Marlon that-"

"Ari, I don't see what the problem is here. Marlon could use the help too." Manu explains calmly, which just seems to make Ari angrier - he looks like he's about to yell at his coach, so you step forward, your hand brushing his arm slightly by accident. "Is everything okay?"

Manu sighs, before shrugging slightly, indicating that he thinks there's no harm in telling you, even if Ari isn't pleased. "Ari said he wanted help feeling less freaked out after hold downs, and I have a way to help him...but I suggested to Marlon earlier that he might benefit from it too."

"Yeah, but...I just can't do it with him, okay?"

"Listen, I know you and Marlon have this...thing going on, which to be honest I thought was over by now, but I think you can put it aside for the good of the team, right?"

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