Part 35 - Surf Trip

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You tap gently on the window using your nails, fearful of waking the rest of the house. You wonder what Abbie and Thommo would say if they saw you back here again so soon after you left, but this was the first place you thought of to go.

"Ari!" you whisper, tapping a little louder this time. It only takes a few minutes before a shadow moves behind the curtains, the figure moving sluggishly to the window.

"Y/n?" he whispers after pulling across the curtain and his slightly closed eyes catch on you. It's clear he's been to sleep already, probably planning to wake up early to surf. "What are you doing here? Or...back here?"

"My mum locked me out!" you whisper urgently, then in a slightly pleading tone. "Can I stay here tonight? Please?" you ask, hoping Ari isn't going to make you beg.

"What? Y/n, if my mum catches you here..."

"I know. I know." you cut him off. "But I don't know where else to go." you whisper softly.

Ari sighs. "Come round the back, i'll open the door for you." he nods his head to the right, and you sneak round the side of the house until you reach the wooden door. You hear a click in the lock and the door opens to reveal a tired-looking Ari, in his pyjamas, his hair a mess. "Come in." he sighs, and you follow him down the corridor, wood creaking under your feet as you try and navigate your way through the dark.

Suddenly, you stumble and hit your foot on the bookcase, which in turn makes you fall into the back of Ari, who laughs under his breath - it's muffled, like he's trying to hide it, but it's obvious.

"You okay?" he asks, in between laughing. You feel a pair of hands reach out for you, brushing your fingertips and you grab his wrists.

"I'm fine, Ari. Stop laughing!" you say, and you can still hear him in front of you, trying to stifle his  as he leads you along the corridor and into his room, where he swiftly switches on the bedside light.

"If my parents find out about this, Y/n..." he starts in a warning tone, but there's a hint of something behind his eyes, like something about going against his parents is making him feel...rebellious.

"I'll be gone in the morning. I swear." you plead, scared he's going to suddenly change his mind.

But he just sighs, grabs a spare pillow and blanket from the closet and throws it on the floor next to his bed.

"Sorry about the sleeping situation. Wasn't expecting visitors tonight." he says bluntly, a hint of humour in his tone but he just seems too tired to laugh now, his mind probably loaded with thoughts of sleep. 

"It's fine. Better than sleeping outside, I suppose." you laugh awkwardly, as Ari climbs back into bed. You get settled on your makeshift bed, trying to shake the strange feeling of sleeping with clothes on that you've been wearing all day. Ari flicks off the bedside light and pulls his covers nearly completely over his head.

"Night, Y/n." he says.

"Goodnight." you reply, your head sinking into the pillow, but you know that it'll be a while before you get to sleep - the events of the day are still too fresh in your mind, so you lie there for a little while, letting your eyes adjust to the darkness. 

You hate being alone in the dark.

Especially when you're the only one awake at night. At home, you never have to worry because you never have trouble sleeping, besides, Marlon's light is always glowing from under his door, illuminating the hallway slightly so a dim light weaves its way into your room. It's comforting to have a little light and to also know you're not the only one awake. But now, you look around the room and see nothing. Just pitch-black darkness.

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