Part 73 - Wren

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"Mars!" you chase round the corner to see your brother with his hands in his pockets heading back along the road. "Marlon!" you repeat, and this time he stops and turns around.

"So...did you get in?" He asks bluntly, and you shrug.

"I haven't checked yet, but I doubt it, I mean...there's only one spot left and it's bound to go to Bodhi," he doesn't respond - his eyes trained to the ground. He looks...helpless. "Are you leaving?" you ask.

He shrugs. "Not in the mood for celebrating tonight."

"Please just stay." you ask, but you know as soon as the words leave your mouth that there's no hope in that happening.

"No. I'm a sub, Y/n."

"A sub?" you repeat. You'd never even thought about the fact that there were subs before. "So you're still on the team!?" you reply excitedly.

"I'm not. I'm just the sub." he says, his voice wavering. You feel a wave of guilt wash over you as you see him brush his sleeve under his nose.

"Well, that's better than nothing." you offer, but he ignores the sentiment.

"Are you going to check if you made the team yet?" he asks.

"No. Not here." you reply.

"Okay, well, I'm going home. You can stay if you want. Celebrate." he tries to smile, but it wobbles and he returns to a neutral expression.

"Okay, well. I'll see you later." you reply softly.

You don't open the email in front of your brother, and instead head back towards the others who are all celebrating. Well, nearly all of them. You spare a glance at Bodhi, who still hasn't moved from her spot, but this time Poppy's arms are around her, consoling her.

You immediately pull out your phone and click on the email with a shaky hand.

After skimming the first paragraph, thanking you for participating, you look at the letter's main body. The part you care about is there in bold italics: 'we would be happy to offer you a place'.

You do a double take, making sure they have the right name at the top, making sure your eyes are not playing tricks on you. They aren't. You made the team.

"So, how'd you do?" You hear a voice and turn to see Ari standing behind you, with Wren a little way away. She has that sweet smile on her face again, one that is probably only there because she assumes you haven't made it, assumes she won't have to see you all year, so she can have Ari to herself.

"Ari, I made it." you say incredulously, watching his smile falter for a second in understanding, and you can't help but be a little irritated at the lack of belief that you would make the team, but within a second he's grinning widely and pulls you into a tight hug. He must say something to you in congratulations, but it's inaudible as his face is pressed into the hoodie on your shoulder.

"Congrats Y/n!" Wren envelops you in a hug almost immediately after Ari releases you, still being ridiculously fake. "Can't wait to surf on the same team."

"Yeah. It'll be great." you half-lie. You can't wait to surf on the State Team obviously, but Wren is your captain. Great. You see Summer approaching out of the corner of your eye.

"But wait, did I hear that Summer Torres made the State Team after one year of surfing?!" you exclaim as Summer sidles up beside you with a huge grin on her face.

"Hell yeah she did!" she yells into the still night air. She then goes slightly quieter, sparing a glance in Bodhi's direction. "I can't believe Bodhi and Marlon didn't make it though."

"I know," you say, looking over to where Poppy is consoling Bodhi. "I feel bad. Should I go over and talk to her?"

"Might be best to keep your distance for now." Summer suggests, and you agree, not exactly wanting to have the awkward conversation that you know will eventually have to have with Bodhi.

Ari and Wren go off to celebrate by themselves, and you and Summer start taking plates to the kitchen to help Abbie and Thommo.

"Are you mad? About Wren and Ari?" she asks suddenly as you set down a stack of plates on the counter.

"Summer, I broke up with him," you clarify. "I can't exactly be upset that he's moved on."

"Sure you can!" she exclaims. "I would be."

"And are you?" you ask, suddenly slightly anxious that Summer still has feelings for him. But it's been a year right?

She shakes her head with a sad smile. "I can't lie, I thought for sure you would have sorted things out with Ari after I left."

"Summer, as much as you seem to think the kiss had something to do with it, you leaving didn't really make a difference." you shrug, pushing yourself up to sit on the countertop. It was more about the fact that being with Ari was making everything complicated.

"I find that hard to believe." she sighs, sitting down next to you.

"Trust me," you nudge her. "I'm fine with them being together."

"Hey, Summer, can I talk to you?" you hear Wren in the corridor. You're about to stand up, but Summer places a hand in front of you and gestures for you to stay behind the door. Out of sight.

"Sure." Summer calls out, and as she goes towards Wren you stay hidden behind the door, listening intently.

"Uh, look, um," Wren starts, seemingly struggling for words. "I have no idea why the selectors rewarded what happened, but it confirmed everything Ari told me about you." she says sharply.

You hear silence as Summer pauses, probably in surprise. "And what did he tell you exactly?"

"That you're an entitled brat who'll do anything for the tiniest bit of attention." Wren replies without skipping a beat. You can hear perfectly just hidden around the corner of the room. You can't say you're exactly surprised with Wren's outburst - it's not out of character for her.

"Well, whatever you've heard, we're on the same team now. Might want to play nice."

"Yeah, and this team is about taking my career to the next level, so I'm not going to let you ruin it," when Summer doesn't respond, Wren scoffs. "C'mon, Summer. We both know you don't deserve this. And well, I think soon everyone else is gonna work that out too, right?"

When you hear the door close shut you make your way out to Summer, who's standing there with a perplexed look on her face. "What the hell was that?" she asks incredulously.

"That was Wren," you reply. "I was going to try and warn you about her, but there wasn't really time."

"You mean she's done stuff like this before?" Summer's brow furrows.

You shrug. "She takes things very seriously apparently."

"What, like surfing?" Summer asks.

"And Ari."

"Y/n, we have to do something! Are you really going to let her speak to us like that?" she exclaims.

"Wouldn't be the first time," you mutter. "But what can we do? Except maybe tell Ari." you shrug. Would Ari even believe you?

"That's a start!" Summer exclaims, but quietly - a whispered shout as she remains careful not to attract attention from outside. "His girlfriend is an entitled bitch. He deserves to know."

"Summer, are you for real?" you whisper back. "He's obviously going to choose Wren's side!"

She sighs. "Well we can't just do nothing! We need to help Ari!"

"Maybe. But we can't do anything at the moment." you say, hopefully with a sense of finality.

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow," she stops at the door and turns to you with a mischievous grin. "For training."

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