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*3rd Person's POV*

(Y/N) and Toby were best friends. Even though (Y/N) wasn't a creepypasta member, the creepypasta members LOVED (Y/N). Not one of the creepypastas would dare to hurt her. Not even Offenderman would hurt her.


Well, whenever one of the creepypastas were sad, (Y/N) always found a way to make them smile and cheer up. Surprisingly (Y/N) also knew how to cheer up Slenderman. When (Y/N) was first brought to the mansion none of the creepypastas were so happy to meet her until her and Toby made all the creepypastas sit at a round table. The creepypastas weren't really thrilled except Sally and Toby. It had only been 10 minutes and (Y/N) had already managed to make the table laugh. She truly is special. None of the creepypastas had ever seen Slenderman laugh at all. And from that day on the creepypastas vowed to protect and love (Y/N). It has been two years and (Y/N) and the mansion has been friends. But one day (Y/N) came to the mansion with terrible news.

(Y/N) walked through the door with a disappointed look.

"Hi (Y-, wait I never seen you without a smile! What's wrong?" Jeff asked with concern.

"Did someone hurt our queen!?" Jane also asked with a overprotective voice.

"Who made my sweetheart sad!?" LJ growled with rage.

"Please sit at the table...I need to talk to all of you." (Y/N) commanded with sadness in her voice. Jeff obeyed and got everyone to sit at the table, when the creepypastas saw (Y/N) sad they instantly try to ask who hurt her. (Y/N) raised her hand and made everyone go silent. Toby ticked and looked at (Y/N).

"The reason why I'm upset is because I have some news that none of you will like." The creepypastas looked at each other with confusion and concern.

"What's the news?" Sally asked eagerly. (Y/N) looked down at the table with tears.

"U-Uhm I'm moving away to South Korea." (Y/N) cried softly.

"WHAT!?" All the creepypastas shouted, some creepypastas cried, some of them were looking at each other not believing the news.

"No! You can't move away! We need you!" Clockwork yelled as tears fell down her eye and behind her clock.

"I-I'm sorry but I don't have a choice. My parents are making me." (Y/N) wiped her tears. The creepypastas were officially broken. They were about to loose the light to their lives, the sun to their days, their reasons to live. The creepypastas got out of their seats and hugged (Y/N). Each of them let their tears fall as they all took the time to have silence to remember the happiest memories they had together.

"We love you (Y/N)."

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