❌!Past! Jeff the killer x Reader❌

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⚠️ WARNING: School shooting⚠️

*3rd person POV*

Jeff and (Y/N) are both in 9th grade. They don't know each other well but Jeff liked her. A lot. (Y/N) was in the girl's bathroom, washing her hands after taking care of her bladder business. As she washed her hands, she heard a loud bang and a girl's scream. Her breath hitches and her eyes wide. It was no doubt a gun. A actual fucking shooting that was taking place. (Y/N) runs to the end of the bathroom, locks herself in a stall, sits on the toilet and her feet off the ground. Just then, there was many gun shots. She couldn't help but crying quietly in fear.

"F-Fuck... W-What's going on?" (Y/N) asked herself. The door of the bathroom flew open and and quick footsteps were heard, (Y/N) covered her mouth and tried to stop crying.

"I-Is someone in here?" A male's voice asked softly. (Y/N) didn't answer. The boy crawls under the stall (Y/N) is hiding in.

"I'm not the shooter." He said softly. It was Jeff, his sweater and hands were covered in blood, he was crying. (Y/N)'s eyes widen.

"Fuck...Are you shot?" She asked shakily. Jeff shook his head, crying weakly.

"My brother..." Jeff cried, as the gun shots continued and police sirens were heard. (Y/N) started crying, she got off the toilet and started throwing up while crying.



"NOW!" The officers voices rang out. More gunshots were heard. After thirty minutes, Jeff and (Y/N) left the bathroom, two police officers escorted them out of the school. Nine students were killed, sixteen students were injured, and three teachers were killed.

(Y/N) sat by Jeff in a ambulance where he was getting checked for gun shots and getting the blood cleaned off.

"Jeff...? Are you ok?" She asked. Jeff looked numb and shocked.

"I just don't understand why this happened. Why did I survive and not my brother?" Jeff answered slowly.

"I'm sorry for your loss."

Jeff started crying as (Y/N) hugged him.

*Present Day in February 2024*

Jeff was walking around a neighborhood trying to look for (Y/N). He sat in a large rock to take a break from walking. He looked up at the afternoon sky and thought his brother Liu and (Y/N). Just then, his phone vibrates. He picks up his phone and looks at the notification.

"12 dead after high school shooting in Ohio." The notification read. Jeff's breath quivers as he read the notification, he looked around, weakly got off the rock and started sobbing weakly. Feeling sick to his stomach.

-This chapter was inspired by a movie called the fallout-

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