❌!Cheater! Hoodie x Reader❌

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⚠️Rape Warning⚠️

*(Y/N)'s POV*

I was looking for my boyfriend Brian. He has been missing for about an hour. We were supposed to have a movie night in my room. But he never came. I went to his room and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Hoodie being pinned to the wall with Masky. Masky had his member in my boyfriend, Hoodie wasn't even telling him to stop. He only panted, groaned, and kept begging for more.

"B-Brian?" Hoodie and Masky looked at me. Hoodie's eyes got wide.

"(Y-Y/N)...! I-It's not what it looks like! L-Let me explain!" Hoodie slightly pushed Masky off his back and walked to me. I only backed away.

"There is nothing to explain Brian." I snapped with tears.

"(Y/N) please-" Hoodie grabbed my waist gently. I pushed him off roughly.

"Don't fucking touch me!"


"I hate you..." I mumbled.


"I hate you! I hate you so much! You fucking cheater!"

"(N/N)! Baby! Please don't do this!" I only ignored him and walked off. Tears streamed down my cheeks like a river. I locked myself in my room then I went to my bathroom, undressed myself, turned on my shower, and sat against the door, knees to my chest. Crying to myself. Why? Why would he do this? I was crying for 15 minutes. Then I heard a knock on my door.

"Baby, let me in."

"G-Go a-away!" Instead Hoodie came into the bathroom and slammed the door. He was also naked. I covered my body.

"Get out!" Hoodie only made me stand up harshly and pushed me to the shower.

"Get in the fucking shower."

"What? No!"

"Get in damnit!" Hoodie pushed me in and pinned me on to the shower's wall, getting both of us wet. He started biting and licking my neck.

"Brian! Get off!- Mmmm~"

"No damnit. I was drunk. I love you." He growled as he shoved his member in my entrance roughly. I let out a loud moan as he thrusted rough and hard.

"B-Brian! S-St- AHHHHH!~" I rolled my head back which caused my moans to get louder. Hoodie only groaned and kept thrusting harder, rougher and deeper.

"God (Y/N)!" Hoodie yelled at he came. Instead of stopping, he forced me into downward dog and continued to pound roughly into me.

"B-Brian! P-Please- Mmmm!~ AHHHH!~ S-Stop!~"

"No. Not until you change your mind and be mine." Hoodie answered as he continued to pound more harder. I only moaned loudly and came. I started to feel weak and rested on my hands and knees. My moans were getting quite and I was breathing heavily. Hoodie groaned as he came. He didn't stop there, he pulled and grabbed me. He sat on the tubs floor and sat me in between his legs.

"Suck." He demanded. I shook my head. I was too tired to move. Hoodie grabbed my head and forced me to suck him. I started to   suck fast due to his hand on my head.

"Mmm~ (Y-Y/N)~ Y-Your doing so good!~" Hoodie groaned, he thrusted in my throat roughly and forcing me to suck.


"Keep doing that!~"

"Mmmm!~" my throat started to feel sore from his harsh thrusting. He finally came in my throat, causing me to swallow. I pulled away and coughed. Hoodie grabbed my wrist roughly and took me out of the bathroom and pinned me to my bed. I was tired and too weak to move or talk.

"You are mine (Y/N). You are never leaving me. I'm so sorry for getting drunk."

"F-Fine, I-I'll stay w-with you." Hoodie smiled and spooned me. He started to plant kisses on my shoulder and neck. I slowly fell asleep with Hoodie.

"I love you (N/N)."

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