❌EJ x Reader❌

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*(Y/N)'s POV*

I have been EJ's girlfriend for a year now. We were a great couple until one day...EJ stopped talking to me. He started sleeping on the couch, he was always quiet. I found his journal and read it only to find out, he thinks I'm losing interest in him!

'What!? How could he think that!?' I thought to myself. But then I got a idea. I texted EJ to come into our room in 30 minutes, he responded with a okay and a question mark. I started getting our room ready.

After 25 minutes, EJ came.

"Hey babe~" I cooed.

"AHH! What the hell (Y/N)!" EJ shouted and stared at me. I smiled and put my hand for him to hold, he took my hand and I pulled him onto the bed with me.

"What's going on with you? Your starting to freak me out." He spoke with a concerned tone.

"Don't worry, it's nothing bad I just have big surprise for you." I responded innocently. "Are drunk or something?" EJ asked with the same concerned look.

"No babe. I'm not." I answered as I bent over and started to kiss his neck.

EJ started to groan, he looked shocked with a hint of pleasure. I slowly lifted myself and looked at him with a smile only to see EJ wearing a smirk on his face. He grabbed my wrists and rolled over. He pinned me to our bed. I gasped at his sudden movement.

"Now I see what you want.~" EJ whispered seductively into my ear.

"I just wanted to cheer you up." I pouted but EJ just chuckled and started biting my neck. Soft moans escaped my lips.

"I missed when we used to do this.~" EJ chuckled as he started taking off my shirt and bra. I blushed, I started feeling shy. EJ started sucking on one of my breasts and played with the other. I stared to groan and gasp. EJ kept sucking and teasing until he grew bored. He started to trail kisses down my stomach. EJ stopped and looked up at me. I blushed and looked away. EJ chuckled again and pulled down my pants and panties. He threw them behind him and started licking my womanhood. I gasped once more. EJ kept teasing me, he slowly entered his tongue into my womanhood. I let out a moan that wasn't so loud. He put my legs over his shoulders as he ate me out faster. I moaned out loudly and placed one of my hands on EJ's head. This went on for about a good 5 minutes, I felt a knot in my stomach. I came without warning EJ. EJ pulled away from my womanhood and he licked my cum off his lips. I blushed again and looked away. I heard EJ chuckle, he started to undress himself until he was only in his boxers. I looked down and saw big tent.

"Like what you see babygirl?~" EJ spoke in the same deep seductive tone. I blushed and took off his boxers, his member was hard and standing up. I put my mouth around his tip and started sucking. EJ rolled his head back and started groaning.

"Oh baby, Your such a good girl.~" EJ moaned out as I sucked him faster. He put his hand on my head and made me suck him deeply. I gagged and coughed as his member hit the back of my throat. I felt his member twitch, he came in the back of my throat and he made me swallow. EJ moaned when I lifted my mouth off his member. I never got a warning, EJ pinned me to our bed, his member was brushing against my womanhood. I shivered and blushed. EJ didn't stop rubbing his member against my womanhood.

"B-Babe, S-Stop teasing me."

"I want to hear you beg.~"

"P-Please, B-Babe." I whined, EJ just kept on teasing me. I got annoyed.

"Stop being a pussy and just fuck me already bitch!" EJ looked shocked, He shoved his member in my womanhood roughly. I moaned loudly while EJ groaned and praised me. Each thrust he did became harder and deeper.

"Y-Your so tight baby!~" EJ moaned. I moaned in response. I was enjoying this. I was enjoying the feeling of my eyeless boyfriend fucking me hard and deep. Just then I heard wood crack. 'Oh shit!' I thought to myself. EJ must of heard the crack but he didn't stop, he only went harder. I moaned loudly again as he hit my g-spot. Then I felt a knot.

"I-I'm gonna cum!" I screamed out.

"M-Me too baby!" EJ responded. We both moaned as we cummed. EJ pulled out and layed next to me. I was panting and breathing heavily.

"Y-You were so good baby. " EJ praised as he spooned me. I smiled and fell asleep in EJ's arms. EJ smiled and covered us with blankets as he slowly fell asleep.

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