❌ Jeff the killer x Reader ❌

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⚠️This chapter contains suicide, this chapter is about (Y/N) being a yandere and confessing her love to Jeff. (Y/N) acts like Yuri from DDLC. Slender had paired Nina, Jane, (Y/N) and Jeff on a 2 month mission. Nina is the leader of this mission group. However, (Y/N) never kills. Credits go to original owner.⚠️

*3rd person's POV*

"No it's not fair! Giving us all this work and then taking him for yourself? What a selfish thing to do!" (Y/N) shouted at Nina, the 2 month mission was over. (Y/N) was angry because whenever (Y/N) tries to spend time with Jeff, Nina always had to come and pull him away. This angered (Y/N) deeply and today was the day she snapped.

"(Y/N) I didn't even give you any work, you decided that for yourself... Your being a little unreasonable here..." Nina answered with a nervous voice. Jeff watched the fight start.

"I'm...being unreasonable?" (Y/N) started to laugh like a psycho.

"Nina! I can't believe how delusional and unimportant you are! Pulling him away from me everytime your not included in something! Are you jealous? Crazy? Or is it because you hate yourself so much that you take it out on others? Here's a suggestion, Have you tried killing yourself? It would be beneficial to your mental health!"

"(Y/N), your scaring me a little...Jane let's just go...I don't think (Y/N) wants us around right now..." Nina spoke in a quiet voice. As she started to walk with Jane, Nina walked past Jeff.

"See? That wasn't very hard! All I wanted was to spend a little time with him! Is that too much to ask!" (Y/N) shouted as Nina kept walking. But Nina stopped and turned to Jeff.

"Hey...(Y/N) really is something... isn't she?" Nina questioned, she walked out of the house where their last mission was. She closed the door. Jeff stared at the door and looked at (Y/N) with nervousness while (Y/N) started to giggle psychopathically.

"Finally. Finally! This is really all I wanted!Wow, there something really wrong with me isn't there! But you know what! I don't care anymore! I never felt this good in whole my life! Just being with you is a far greater pleasure than anything I could imagine! I'm addicted to you! It feels like I'm going to die if I'm not breathing the same air as you! Doesn't it feel nice to have someone care about you that much? To have someone who wants to revolve their life around you? But if it feels so good...Then why does it feel more and more like something...horrible is going to happen? Maybe thats why I tried stopping myself at first...but the feeling is too strong now. I don't care anymore! I have to tell you! I'm...I'm madly in love with you Jeff! It feels like every inch of my body...every drop of blood in me...is screaming your name. I don't care what the consequences are anymore! I don't care if Nina is listening! Please, Just know how much I love you. I love you so much that I even scratch myself with the knife I stole from you! I just want to pull your skin open and crawl inside of you! I want you all to myself and I will be only yours. Doesn't that sound perfect?! Tell me Jeff. Tell me you want to be my lover? Do you accept my confession?" (Y/N) finished, Jeff stared at (Y/N) with fear.

"(Y/N)...I don't know...that's really creepy and that sounds like something Nina would say. You are way more messed up than Nina. I can't trust you, I don't even know you now...I like the old (Y/N) better..." Jeff backed up when he saw (Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes get wide. She smiled weakly and closed her eyes.

"Ahahaha....Ahahahahahaha....Ahahahahahaha..." Now Jeff was really freaked.

"Why are you laughing like that? Just because I didn't accept your confession?" Jeff asked, he took out his knife, he was ready to stab (Y/N) but oh how the tables had turned.

"AHAHAHAḨ̶̞͈̥̤̝͚̪̪̳̈́̓̍̊̕A̷̬͉̪̳̙̥̜̭͎̅̐̈̒͜H̸̘̠͛̓̇̓A̸̛͚͓͎͒H̵̨̨͕̣̞̪̻̏̂̒̿̈́͐̓͑́͜A̴̧̧͚͓͈̟͈̔̈́̔͒̽̃̃̏̏͑̍̕H̵̆̍̌͜Ą̸͚̻̺͉͕̈́̑̒̄̍̌̚͜͠H̴̨̛̜̬̼̙̰̣̣͚̋̊͑̓̿̀͘͠A̴̛̛̤̤̤̠̲̰͚̭̜͑̐͑͑͋̇̋̆͌͠H̴̥̘̠̄̏́A̵̦̪̩̗̩̟͍̤͚̪͒ͅ!!!" (Y/N)'s

voice sounded glitched up and disorganized. She pulled her knife out of her skirt, her irises of her eyes were tiny and insane. (Y/N) plunged the knife into her gut while smiling widely. She ripped out the knife and replunged it into her gut but a little higher.

"What the fuck! Stop! Your going way too far!" Jeff Shouted, he watched in horror, yes he enjoyed violence and watching people suffer and all but not when it was someone he cared about. Before Jeff could stop (Y/N), she took out the knife and replunged again but this time, it was her heart she stabbed. As (Y/N)'s smile grew wider she opened her mouth, blood came out of her mouth. Her eyes rolled back without her smile changing. Her weak body fell.

(Position (Y/N) is in)

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(Position (Y/N) is in)

Jeff was panicking, he didn't know that to do. Call for help? What would happen if Slender found out? Jeff looked down at (Y/N)'s body. He heard her speak a little, he kneeled down and listened.

"D̷̡̢̲̘͓͈̘͆̄̇͋̿̓̎̌ó̵̙̲͎͖̗͕̤̀͑͘n̵̘̞̺͈͍̗̗͋̂̈̏͒̀̑̔ͅ'̶̤̃̇t̸̫͙̠̳͖̜͖̂̋̌ ̵̢̦̠̦̳̯̱͇͑̈́͐̄͝l̴̲̠͉̙͍͒͜e̶͙̼̖̙͂̐̽̎͆̓ạ̴̭̯̱͊͆͌v̵̡͉͇̰̣̫͒̏̅̉͜é̶̯͉͗̏̉̓͑ ̴̢̝͖̠̙͖͉̄͌̌͆̾͘m̶̗͇͒̿̒̌̌̿̚e̷̪̮͎͔͓̟͎̱͒̚.̶͎͚̗̻̞̺̋̾̾̆̈́̓̒̄.̶͖̠͚͆̓̔̎.̵̴̢̭̫̝͖̠̙͖͉̐̾̏̄͌̌͆̾͘͝" Were (Y/N)'s last words.

(Y/N) took her last breath before she had died by the one and only Jeff the killer.

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