❌Ticci Toby x Reader❌

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Request by: Tsukasayugikun

~In this chapter, Toby won't have his tics because it sometimes gets frustrating to keep doing the stuttering sentences~

*(Y/N)'s POV*

I was sleeping in my bed. I was dreaming about Ticci Toby, he is my creepypasta crush. I would do anything for him. He is strong, brave, sweet, and just a badass! In my dream, Ticci Toby was spooning me, we were sleeping in his room. His hands were warm and he smelled like old spice and waffles. I started to get horny after my dream started to get spicer but I was awoken by the sound of something. I sat up and looked around. Nothing, I looked at my window and saw something silver moving. The window was opened by a hatchet, I jumped out of bed and screamed. I didn't see the intruder, I ran out of my room and locked myself in the bathroom.

(Pick a bathroom, it you pick the tub, pretend the tub is as big as the Harry Potter's girl bath size)

(Pick a bathroom, it you pick the tub, pretend the tub is as big as the Harry Potter's girl bath size)

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I sat in a corner of the bathroom

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I sat in a corner of the bathroom. I waited until the intruder left. Shit! I wish my parents didn't go on a business trip! I kept my my head down and waited but all I could hear was footsteps roaming around the halls. The intruder stopped at the bathroom door. I heard him knock down the door. I screamed again. The intruder opened the door, and omg...it was him Ticci Toby! The actual fucking Ticci Toby! I couldn't help but stare.

"T-Toby?" I stuttered out. He only walked closer in a threatening way. I wasn't really scared of him anymore. He lift his hatchet ready to strike me but before he did, I made the worst move that a fan girl simp would have done. I grabbed in between his legs, he groaned while I ran towards the bathroom door. But shit I fucked up, Toby grabbed my arm harshly and pulled me into the shower/bath.

"I was going to kill you but you just had to grab me there." Toby pinned me to the bathroom wall and ripped off my clothes with a pocket knife. I covered myself since I was self-conscious and a insecure type of person. Toby took off his mouth guard and started to bite my neck. I tried not to moan but I couldn't help it. I was whimpering since Toby grabbed my breast roughly while biting and kissing.

"T-Toby S-Stop. L-Let's talk this out!" Instead of stopping, he took off his own clothes. My cheeks turned into a tomato shade. God damn, he's so hot. Toby pinned my hands over my head. I closed my legs tightly and looked at the water faucet. I pushed Toby off and turned on the water. I tried to get up but Toby put me on my knees and hands, with out a warning he slammed into me. I moaned loudly. (Your not a virgin) Toby wasn't giving me mercy. The way he pounded in me was like heaven.

"Y-You don't even know me." I moaned as Toby thrusted harder.

"Y-You put me in the mood, might as well make you mine." Toby groans as he thrusting harder and faster. I blushed and moaned louder when he hit my G spot. My dream is really coming true, I'm going to be with creepypasta crush! I felt a knot in my stomach and it was ready to burst. Toby was groaning as he kept thrusting harder and harder. He would pull it out til the tip was almost out then he would slam back into me. Jesus, Toby was NOT the sweet childish cutie that the internet described him as. I moaned louder and came. Toby continue to thrust like a beast, how was he not tired.

"I-I'm gonna cum!~" Toby warned.

"W-Wait-!" I blushed hard and tried to make him pull out but his grip on my waist made it impossible to escape. Then I felt his hot seed fill my womb. He groaned and pulled out. I was blushing and breathing heavily. I looked at Toby who was already dressed. He picked me up and carried me back to my room. I put on my (F/C) crop hoodie, short shorts jeans, (F/C) knee socks, sneakers, and I put my hair in a high messy bun.

"Let's go before your parents arrive." Toby instructed. I grabbed a backpack put in some my clothes and cosplays, my chargers, my laptop, my phone, a bikini, my brush, and my art supplies. I put on my backpack and jumped out of the window with Toby. We ran into the woods and my parents never saw me again.

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