✔️Ben Drowned x Reader Part 1✔️

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*Ben's POV*

Miko is a new creepypasta member. She won't say her real name. Everyone is cold and jerk to her except Sally. I make her life hell everyday. She seems depressed and strange in some way. She's never offended by the name calling or the harassment she receives from us. It seems like she's use to it even though she is new to the mansion. Her (E/C) eyes are always half lidded and they looked emotionless. She wore a mask.

(Your outfit)

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(Your outfit)

Pathetic. Does she think she is going to get sick? She doesn't even talk either, she never has meals with us, even though Slender doesn't give us missions, it's rare to see Miko in the mansion she's always outside. It was 11:32 pm. I was gaming on my Nintendo switch. I heard the door open, I paused my game and looked up. It was Miko.

"Speak of the devil." Jane scoffed as she glared at Miko. Miko ignored Jane and was walking up the stairs.

"Hey! Don't ignore us you bitch!" Clockwork snarled. Miko stopped on one of the stairs and slowly turned to the girls.

"Hm, the word bitch seems to affect you." Clockwork spoke in a cold and sassy tone.

"You better start listening to us, since a bitch is supposed to listen to their masters." Jane snickered. I couldn't help but also chuckle. Miko walked down the stairs in a threatening way until she was on one step. She towered over Clockwork who was standing at the bottom the stairs. Jane and Clockwork backed up a little. Miko grabbed Clockwork by the shirt and got into her face.

"I have been disrespected by my fake family and fake friends long enough, I will not be disrespected by you. Fucking test me I dare you, I will be send your asses to Zalgo in a heart beat. Keep in mind, I'm the 2nd Alpha of this mansion for now on you useless bitch." Miko growled. Clockwork looked taken back. Miko scoffed and threw Clockwork down. Clockwork grunted as she hit the ground. I watched Miko walk up the stairs with a wide eyes. Jane, Clockwork, Jeff, LJ, EJ, and Masky also looked shocked.

"What the hell? She really thinks she is the Alpha?" LJ asked.

"And Slender is really gonna let Miko talk to us like that?" Jane spoke with anger.

"Slender wouldn't." Hoodie assured.

"Actually I would." Slender's voice came from behind us. We all looked at Slender with confusion and there was Miko, sitting on Slender's shoulder. You could tell she was smirking under that mask.

"Why Slender! None of us like Miko!" Masky complained.

"Because she's my biological daughter, do you have a problem with that?" Slender snapped.

"DAUGHTER!?" Me and the creepypastas repeated in disbelief.

"Yes, her name is (Y/N) and she gets what she wants and when she wants. So I better not find out you all are harassing my daughter again." Slender snarled. (Y/N) giggled a little as she was sitting on Slender's shoulder still, Slender walked away with (Y/N).

"S-Slender had a-a d-daughter?" Toby ticked.

"I have a sissy?" Sally squealed excitedly as she ran up the stairs. No wonder why (Y/N) was so close to Slender. The creepypastas and I stayed silent and went to our own rooms. I layed on my bed and stared at the ceiling. My room was dimly lit by my green lava lamp. Then suddenly, (Y/N) came into my mind. Her (H/C)(H/L) hair, her (E/C) glowing eyes, her soft (S/C) skin. Damn... Her body is fine...

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