❌Offenderman x Reader❌

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⚠️ Warning: this chapter is very graphic and based off of a game. Please reading at your own risk.⚠️

*Offenderman's POV*

(Y/N). The most beautiful girl the world. I love her. But I have a problem, all the boys in the mansion also fell in love with (Y/N), even my brothers. There was always fights over (Y/N). But one day, (Y/N) mysteriously disappeared without a trace. She's been missing for two weeks. Everyone looked everywhere but she was nowhere to be found. I was wandering in a abandoned building, I went into a room and I was shocked to see what my eyes were showing me.

(Position you are in)

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(Position you are in)

"(Y/N)! What happened!" I tried to break the chains but they wouldn't move a inch.

"O-Offender, Please don't tell anyone what you seen here."

"What! I'm going to call for help."

"No! Don't! You will screw everything up! Just listen to me! Please!"

"Screw what up?"

"You came too late, you can't fix this, no one can. So please don't get involved."

"(Y/N), everyone is so worried about you, I'll get you out, why are you in a bathing suit? Why won't you tell me what's going on?"

"They took pictures, they took videos, they will make them public, they forced my to put on this bathing suit. I wish you never found me. It's hard to talk in this position." I couldn't stand my love's suffering. I ripped opened the chains and was careful to not hurt (Y/N). She stood up straight and looked at me. She was hot in that bathing suit.

"Okay (Y/N), your free, now tell me who did this to you."

"I will if you play a 'trust game' with me."


"A trust game. It's simple, just let me handcuff you, blindfold you and duct tape you to the chair for five minutes. Then I will tell you my secret." I sighed and looked at (Y/N).

"Okay fine. But you have to tell me." (Y/N) just giggled, she handcuffed me, she sat me in a chair and duct taped my legs to the legs of the chair. Then she blindfolded me.

"Okay, that looks good. Okay don't get mad but this will take more than five minutes."

"What! Are you kidding me!"

"I know but I'm sorry I can't let you get involved. You will try to stop me. But I have to do this, I have a alarm set that will automatically let you go in two hours."

"Two hours! Where are you going!" (Y/N) didn't answer me.

"Goodbye Offender." (Y/N) spoke then she left. I sat in that chair wondering what (Y/N)'s secret is. I waited. And waited. And waited. When was (Y/N) coming back? Was she fighting someone? What if she gets murdered? The anxiety kept growing. The anxiety was hurting me, it made me feel that guilt feeling where you start to feel dizzy, breath heavily, heart beating heavily, and wanting to just lay down and try to relax. I heard (Y/N)'s phone go off, I snapped out of my thoughts broke through the handcuffs and duct tape, I ripped the blindfold and teleported to (Y/N)'s closet location. There was a trail of blood on the floor, leading to a room. I opened the door.

"(Y/N)!" One of my suspicious were confirmed, she was dead. Her head was gone! Who did this!

 Her head was gone! Who did this!

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(Position your body is in)

I couldn't believe it. This has to be some prank or joke. But it wasn't, I fell to my knees feeling sick. I couldn't see straight. (Y/N) had something crumbled in her hand that was layed on the desk. I grabbed and froze. Two disturbing pictures.

 Two disturbing pictures

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(Positions you were in)

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(Positions you were in)

"Who did this to you! Why did you let them do this to you!" I screamed. I held my heart and cried.

"Why! Why! Why! WHY!" I punched the floor and cried harder. Little did I know, the culprits we're closer than I thought.

A/N: Can anyone guess who are the three culprits?

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