❌!Cheater! Nina the killer x !Male! Reader❌

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Requested by: ClearRoar

⚠️Drug and alcohol use⚠️

(So sorry this is not a lemon)

*3rd person POV*

Nina and (Y/N) would have been a couple for some time. One day (Y/N) would come to the mansion and discover that Nina was cheating on him with Jeff the killer. He would be devastated. Because of this, he would neglect his current job, start drinking heavily and even turn to drugs. He would do it to forget all about his problems, about Nina. But even so, he couldn't forget it. However, one day, after a long time, they would meet again in the mansion because (Y/N) would be forced by his father to be there because 'maybe it will help him'. (Y/N) would not want to see her or talk to her, he would be in very bad physical and mental condition. He would lock himself in his father's room, and there he would get drunk and do drugs alone. He was already addicted to it because he had no control over how much he drank. However, Nina still loved him and was worried about his condition. She would visit him in his room, even though (Y/N) didn't want to see her. (Y/N) would be completely drunk and under the influence of various drugs, but still in contact with reality. Nina wouldn't let go. She wanted to apologize to him and get back together, she loved him. And somehow, during this conversation/argument/whatever you call it, (Y/N) would lose control of himself and probably would want to attack her, throw her out of the room somehow. But he wouldn't do that because he'd do something that would change his life forever. Well, he still loved Nina, and his feelings won and that's why he didn't throw her out. Or maybe it was his current condition, which wasn't the best.

*(Y/N)'s POV*

Nina constantly tried to sit on my lap or tried to kiss me. She kept saying she was sorry and that she missed me.

"(Y/N) please, don't lock me out of your life! I was trying to make Jeff jealous by being with you, Jeff only used me for a bet. It hurt when he broke up with me...but losing you feels so much worse...(Y/N) please-" I threw down my alcohol bottle and got up quickly, I heard Nina yip and jump back as a reaction to dodge the glass shards of the bottle, I watched her back into a wall with fear.

"Y-You are nothing to me but a little shameless cheating whore!" I snapped in anger. Nina was covering her mouth as tears streamed down her face, she was staring at the ground.

"Get the hell out of here firefly!" I froze when I realized what I had just called her. Her nickname I would call her when we were together. Nina looked at me with sorrow and regret, she was shivering in fear and backing away. It was clear I was scaring her. I looked across the room and saw myself in the mirror. I didn't look like myself. I looked like my evil father, who forced me to become a murderer. I didn't want Nina to be scared of me. I am a kind person who never liked violence. I still love Nina. I walked towards her, she covered her head waiting to be hit. I only looked at her and pulled her into a tight hug, she looked up at me with teary eyes and hugged back quickly. I made Nina look up at me and kissed her passionately. She hesitated at first but she kissed back. The kiss slowly turned into a make out session. Slowly, we both got horny. I pinned her down to the bed and continue making out with her. Thankfully the room we were in was my old room. I felt a uncomfortable feeling in my pants, I started to undress Nina. She looked embarrassed and covered her breasts and entrance. But then I realized I should stop, maybe Nina didn't want this. I got off of her but she stopped me.

"N-No, it's okay. We can do it." Nina spoke in a quick voice as if she was ashamed that she wanted sex.

"No, I won't force you. It's not right."

"But I do want this. Kind of."

"Kind of? What do you mean?"

"I just...I don't want to be slut shamed. I hate being called a whore, a slut, and so many other names. It makes me so insecure." Nina's voice sounded sad, she wouldn't look at me, she was still covering her body. I gently grabbed her face.

"You are not a slut or a whore or anything like that. People are just judgmental and stupid sometimes. I'm sorry I called you a whore, I wasn't in the right state of mind at that moment. I'm still a little drunk, the rude things I told you were not true. I still love you Nina, I just can't see myself with another girl. You are the only one that makes me feel loved. I want you back Nina. You don't understand the things I'm going through without you in my life." Nina looked up at me with teary eyes.

"(Y/N), can we please start over? I love you so much, no words can express how much I love you. I know I hurt you and I hate myself for it." I gently caressed Nina's face.

"Of course we can. I need you in my life, just never cheat on me again." Nina sniffles and nodded as she hugged me tightly, I hugged back.

"Also, can we please not have sex right now? I'm not very comfortable with it right now."

"Of course my love." I answered as I pulled Nina to my chest. We cuddled on my bed naked and silently. Then we both slowly fell asleep in each other's embraces.

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